How to resolve duplicate records with merging

Steps to Merging


Learn how to combine multiple records together with a merge

When you have duplicate records in your platform, such as the same person listed as a User two or more times, it can quickly become tricky to search through, sort, use, and report on your information. The merge functionality in your accessplanit platform resolves these problems! Merging consolidates two or more separate records into a single one, to eliminate duplicate data and ensure your data is easier to keep up to date within your platform.

Merge option

Merging is available in your platform for:

  • Users

  • Accounts

  • Course Templates

  • Courses

  • Awards

  • Job Roles

Follow this page to learn the steps for merging records together.


Please Note
Once a merge has been completed it cannot be reversed, we recommend that you take your time with every merge that you complete.

How to merge Users

This step will take you through the steps on how to merge two or more duplicate User records into one

  1. Open the ‘Users’ DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

    Main navigation menu Users selected


  2. This will take you to the Users DataGrid

  3. Find the User that you wish to Merge by applying filters and/or searching the User’s DataGrid

  4. Select the duplicate records by clicking on them so that they have a blue-background


  5. Click the mass action drop down at the top left of your DataGrid and click the ‘Merge’ option

  6. The ‘Merge Users’ pop up window will appear, click the ‘Select’ button to choose which User will act as your primary User to keep

  7. From the new pop-over DataGrid, your selected Users will appear, we advise adding in the ‘User ID' column so you can ensure you are keeping the correct record
    Visit our dedicated page on adding a new column to your DataGrid


  8. Select the User record you wish to keep by ticking the Checkbox and highlighting that User
    The User you select here determines what information will be kept where there is a clash, for example if the Users that are being merged all have a different Email Address, following the merge the Email Address that will be kept is the one assigned to your ‘Record to keep’ User.


  9. Click the ‘OK’ button


  10. This will add the Record into the ‘Record To Keep’ selector


  11. Click the ‘Merge’ button to merge the records


  12. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to merge the Selected Users into one, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm


  13. Your User records have now been merged

How to merge Accounts

  1. Open the ‘Accounts’ DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

  2. This will take you to the Accounts DataGrid


  3. Find the Account that you wish to merge by applying filters and/or searching the Account’s DataGrid

  4. Select the duplicate records by clicking on them so that they have a blue-background


  5. Click the mass action drop down at the top left of your DataGrid and click the ‘Merge’ option


  6. The ‘Merge Accounts’ pop up window will appear, click the ‘Select’ button on the ‘Record to Keep’ option


  7. Your selected Account records will appear, we advise adding in the ‘Account ID' column so you can ensure you are keeping the correct record
    Visit our dedicated page on adding a new column to your DataGrid


  8. Select the Account record you wish to keep by ticking the Checkbox and highlighting that Account
    The Account you select here determines what information will be kept where there is a clash, for example if the Accounts that are being merged all have a different Name, following the merge the Name that will be kept is the one assigned to your ‘Record to keep’ Account.


  9. Click the ‘OK’ button


  10. This will add the Record into the ‘Record To Keep’ selector


  11. Click the ‘Merge’ button to merge the records


  12. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to merge the Selected Account’s, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm


  13. Your Account records have now been merged

How to merge Course Templates

  1. Open the ‘Course Templates’ DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

  2. This will open the Course Template DataGrid


  3. Find the Course Templates that you wish to merge by applying filters and/or searching the Course Template DataGrid


  4. Select the duplicate records by clicking on them so that they have a blue-background


  5. Click the mass action drop down at the top left of your DataGrid and click the ‘Merge’ option


  6. The Merge Course Template pop up box will appear, click the ‘Select’ button to choose which Course Template will act as your primary Course Template to keep


  7. Both Course Template’s will appear, we advise adding in the ‘Course Template ID' column so you can ensure you are keeping the correct record
    Visit our dedicated page on adding a new column to your DataGrid


  8. Select the Course Template you wish to keep by ticking the Checkbox and highlighting that Template
    The Course Template you select here determines what information will be kept where there is a clash, for example if the Course Templates that are being merged all have a different cost and cost type, following the merge the cost and cost type that will be kept is the one assigned to your ‘Record to keep’ Course Template.


  9. Click the ‘OK’ button


  10. This will add the Template into the ‘Record To Keep’ selector

  11. Click the ‘Merge’ button to merge the records


  12. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to Merge the Selected Course Template’s, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm

  13. Your Course Templates have now been merged


How to merge Courses

  1. Open the ‘Class’ or ‘Web’ Courses DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

  2. This will open the Course DataGrid

  3. Find the Courses that you wish to Merge by applying filters and/or searching the Course’s DataGrid

  4. Select the duplicate records by clicking on them so that they have a blue-background

  5. Click the mass action drop down at the top left of your DataGrid and click the ‘Merge’ option

  6. The ‘Merge Courses’ pop up box will appear, click the ‘Select’ button to choose which Course will act as your primary Course to keep

  7. Your selected Courses will appear, we advise adding in the ‘ID' column so you can ensure you are keeping the correct record
    Visit our dedicated page on adding a new column to your DataGrid

  8. Select the Course you wish to keep by checking the Checkbox and highlighting that Course
    The Course you select here determines what information will be kept where there is a clash, for example if the Courses that are being merged all have a different end time, following the merge the end time that will be kept is the one assigned to your ‘Record to keep’ Course.

  9. Click the ‘OK’ button


  10. This will add your selected Course into the ‘Record To Keep’ selector

  11. Click the ‘Merge’ button to merge the records


  12. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to Merge the Selected Course, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm

  13. Your Courses have now been merged

How to merge Awards

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu from the Profile options at the top-right of your platform


  2. This will open the Administration menu

  3. Open the ‘Awards’ menu option to access the page where you can view and manage your Awards
    The administration menu is in alphabetical order


  4. This will open the ‘Awards’ DataGrid


  5. Find the Awards that you wish to merge by applying filters and/or searching the Award’s DataGrid

  6. Select the duplicate records by clicking on them so that they have a blue-background


  7. Click the mass action drop down at the top left of your Awards DataGrid and click the ‘Merge’ option

  8. The ‘Merge Awards’ pop up window will appear, click the ‘Select’ button

  9. Both Awards will appear, we advise adding in the ‘ID' column so you can ensure you are keeping the correct record
    Visit our dedicated page on adding a new column to your DataGrid

  10. Select the Award you wish to keep by ticking the Checkbox and highlighting that Award
    The Award you select here determines what information will be kept where there is a clash, for example if the Awards that are being merged all have a different lifetime, following the merge the lifetime that will be kept is the one assigned to your ‘Record to keep’ Award.

  11. Click the ‘OK’ button


  12. This will add the Award into the ‘Record To Keep’ selector

  13. Click the ‘Merge’ button to merge the records


  14. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to Merge the Selected Award’s, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm

  15. Your Awards have now been merged

How to merge Job Roles