DataGrids - Getting Started

DataGrids - Getting Started

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On demand webinar: Getting the most out of your DataGrids

On demand webinar: Searching and Navigating in your accessplanit Platform

About DataGrids

DataGrids are a fundamental feature on most pages of the platform, DataGrids present your data to you in a structured, grid-like format. As the name suggests, each DataGrid is a grid of data that organises and displays a specific type of information.

Each DataGrid shows a specific set of data for a different aspect of your platform, here are some example DataGrids:

  • Users DataGrid: Allows you to view and manage information about Users, including their personal information, their roles, number of Courses, and latest booking.

  • Courses DataGrid: Allows you to view and manage information related to Courses, such as Course names, start & end dates, assigned Trainers, and Delegate numbers.

  • Discounts DataGrid: Allows you to view and manage information about your discounts, including discount codes, expiration dates, and whether the discount will apply automatically.

You can add, remove, and re-order columns and sort your data in the order that you want in order to display the information most useful for you. DataGrids have been applied to almost every section of the platform, meaning there is a huge opportunity to leverage the information you need.

Learn how to use the Search, Edit Column, Filter, Bulk Edit and Export features of a DataGrid.



Here are the benefits of using DataGrids

Data stored all in one place

DataGrids are great for having all data relating to one area in one place.


Each DataGrid can be filtered to help narrow down specific information making it easier to view and manage

Editable in Bulk

If you have information that requires updating for a lot of Courses, Users or Resources etc, you can use the Bulk Edit function to update the information all at the same time which saves you time and resources.

Export Data

You can Export your DataGrid Data to use in Excel, this is great for further analysis of your data, or to provide a basis of an import file when if need to update information,


Key Terms and Glossary


Each Column of your DataGrid represents a bit of information, e.g. ‘First Names’ and ‘Email Address’ are columns available in the Users DataGrid, you can change the columns in your DataGrid to view different information.

Rows / Items

Each Row in your DataGrids represent an item, e.g. each row in the Users DataGrid represents a User, and each row in the Delegates DataGrid represents a Delegate