Introducing our rebrand & your new look platform 🚀




Here at accessplanit, we’ve recently entered our 20th year in business – a period that has seen a great deal of change and growth. As such, it was time for our outside to adapt to mirror who we are now, and what we want to continually aim to be for our customers.

On Monday 8th March, we revealed our rebrand to the world!

You'll see brand changes in any interaction you have with us from our team and our website to our communications and social media. Then, from Monday 15th March, you'll also see it within your accessplanit platform!  


Please note: your platform’s log-in screen will not be updated with our new brand, this will continue to use your colours & logo.


Updates to your platform

While this update doesn't change how your platform works, your Admin, Trainer & Manager view will be transformed with fresh colours, logo, and a new look for forms. 


The first things that you will notice when you log in are the colour and logo changes.

Then as you dig deeper you'll see that the most useful changes are within the forms. 

  • Your forms have been restructured to combine related fields together, such as duration & duration type.

  • The field widths have been updated so that they better reflect the type of content that you can add.

  • And finally, we have moved the field labels above the fields, to make your forms easier to read.


In addition to those improvements, from the 15th March you will be able to access your platform's search from the top header.

You will also be able to use your main menu when it is in it’s collapsed mode.


Finally, to make it really clear when you are in your Sandbox on our Test platform; the header is a different colour.


We're really excited for you to experience these changes and we’re look forward to hearing your thoughts on the 15th! 

If you have any questions about these upcoming changes, please get in touch with our customer support team.

Here’s to the future!

The accessplanit team



  1. Is everything in the same place?
    Nearly! The only change to the positioning of your accessplanit platform is that your ‘Search’ tool has been moved from the menu options on the left, to the header at the top of your view.
    Additionally, while your forms have also had a makeover, nothing additional has been added to them, and nothing has been removed.

  2. Will Managers & Trainers have the same changes as me?
    Yes, the Manager & Trainer views of your accessplanit platform will also benefit from the new look!

  3. Will there be any changes to the Learner Portal?
    There have been no styling and no functionality changes made to the Learner Portal.

  4. Can I change it back if I do not like it?
    You will not be able to change back to the old view, however, we can say from experience that after a couple of days you will not want to!

  5. Do I need to retrain my team?
    As there is no new functionality to learn, and only changes to the display, you will not need to retrain your team. However, we do recommend letting them know that the change is coming on Monday 15th March, so that they are not taken by surprise when they first see it!

  6. Will any of my company-branded pages change?
    Your company-branded Learner Portal, Login Screen, and Shopping Basket will stay the same!
    The only changes will be to the Admin, Trainer & Manager logged-in view of your platform.


Watch the full tour!

Here is a 5 minute tour of the new-look across the major pages and areas of the accessplanit platform.