If you are having issues with a Course you have made, or Course Management in general, please visit this related Troubleshooting page.

Course Management

Here, you can learn how to do basic management of your Courses. The information here applies to actions you can perform against most types of courses within accessplanit.  

Course Templates

In this area you can learn how to build  and maintain Course Templates.

Course Calendar 

In this area you can learn how to use the Course Calendar.


Class Courses

This area explains what a Class Course is, how it differs from other Course types in accessplanit, as well as how to build a Class Course.


This page will explain Delegates in accessplanit and how to manage your Delegates.

eLearning Courses

This page will tell you what an eLearning Course is and how it differs from other Course types in accessplanit. This page also explains what an eLearning Package is, as well as how to build eLearning Courses.

Knowledge Document Courses

Here, you'll find out what a Knowledge Document Course is and how it differs from other Course types in accessplanit. This page also explains what Knowledge Document Packages are, as well as how to build a Course of this type.

Placeholder Management

This page will show you what Placeholders are on accessplanit and how to add, update and cancel these bookings.

Sessional Courses

This page will explain Sessional Courses within accessplanit, how to set them up and what they're used for.

Web Courses

On this page, you can find out what a Web Course is and how it differs from other Course types in accessplanit, as well as how to build a Web Course.