What's New: March 2023

What's New: March 2023

Your March 2023 update includes big updates to the accessplanit financial API Feeds, more features available in our Checkout basket, and the ability to send out your Document Templates in a Word format in Workflows!


Credit Notes - Sessional Courses

You can now opt-in to a change to the way that your Credit Notes are displayed for Sessional Courses.

Currently, if you cancel or transfer a Delegate from a Sessional Course, the resulting Credit Note will only contain the parent (sessional) Course, it will not include the individual sessions that the Delegate was booked onto.

Current invoice layout with one item for the parent course

This can make reporting on income quite tricky if you charge per Session rather than charge for the Course as a whole, particularly if any of your sessional courses span over several months! As while your income for the course will be allocated to each session, any credits will be allocated to the parent course which may have been several months earlier than some sessions.

Following this release, you will be able to have your Credit Notes for Sessional Course Delegates & Placeholders contain a line item for each Session

Future invoice layout with one item for each session


If you would like your platform to be updated so that your Credit Notes list each of the Sessions that the Delegate was booked on, in addition to the parent Course, then please get in touch with a member of the accessplanit team here and we’ll get that set up for you!

Workflows - Send Document Templates as Word Docs

Emails sent out using Workflows in accessplanit platforms very often have Document Template attachments.

This is the easiest way to automatically send out course certificates to your customers, sign in sheets to your trainers, and joining instruction letters to your delegates!

Up until now, it has only been possible to email your Document Templates out as PDF attachments, which of course works well for certificates.

In this latest update you will now be able to email your Document Templates out as Microsoft Word attachments. This means that you can email your Document Templates in an editable format for your Delegates/Trainers!

Whether you want to send your Trainers a register which they can add additional Delegate information into, or whether you want to send your Delegates a pre-Course checklist to complete, it is now possible!

To send a Document Template out as a Word document, make sure that it has been uploaded to your accessplanit platform in a Word Document format, then check the new checkbox option ‘Keep original document type when emailed’.

When this Document Template is then included in your Workflow Emails, it will be sent as a Word Document instead of a PDF.

Please note, other file formats such a PowerPoint, Text files (txt), Image files (png and jpeg) are not supported through Document Templates. These files should be attached as Files.

Nominal Codes & Cost Centres

To better support finance integrations, you can now capture Nominal Code and Cost Centre invoiceable items throughout your accessplanit platform!

Nominal Code

Nominal Code is now available as a drop-down option in the following forms throughout your platform:

  • Course Templates

  • Courses

  • Vouchers

  • Products & Services

  • Discounts

To define your platform’s Nominal Codes, go to Administration > Custom List Items and add new Custom List Items using the Item Type of ‘Nominal Code’.

Your Courses will automatically inherit the Nominal Code from the Course Template to save you time each time you schedule a Course, however you can override that per Course if required.

In addition to the above, we have also implemented a default Nominal Code setting which sits behind the scenes. This default will be used for any items that are invoiced without a Nominal Code assigned to them, please get in touch with a member of the accessplanit team to have a default Nominal Code put in place!

Please note that if you are currently using the Nominal Code Course Template attribute, this will be automatically moved over to the new drop-down box!

Our Zynk integration for Sage & Xero has also been updated to use the new Course Nominal Code, however if you have any other Reports or Exports using the Course Template attribute these will need to be updated following this release to use the new Nominal Code.

Cost Centre

Cost Centre is now available as a free-text box in the following forms throughout your platform:

  • Course Templates

  • Vouchers

  • Products & Services

  • Discounts

If you do not need to capture Nominal Code and Cost Centre information throughout your accessplanit platform, then you can easily hide these new options to tidy up your forms by using the Configure Forms feature. Please get in touch with a member of the accessplanit team if you would like to have access to this feature!

Finance API Feeds

In this update there are several additions to the Invoice Items API endpoint to better support integrations into Accounting and Bookkeeping systems!

Within the Invoice Items feed you will now find:

  1. Nominal Code

  2. Cost Centre

  3. Line Description (item label)

Nominal Code & Cost Centre

The below table outlines where the API Feed will fetch the Nominal Code and Cost Centre information from

Invoice Items

Invoice Type

Cost Centre

Nominal Code

Manually added invoice items



Config Flag

eLearning, Doc, Module Courses


Course Template

Course Template

Class or Web Courses


Course Template


Class or Web Delegates


Course Template


eLearning, Doc, Module Delegates


Course Template

Course Template

Cancellation Fee - Delegate


Course Template (please note if you have cancellation cost centres enabled, these are not used in the API Feed)


Rebook Fee - Delegate


Course Template