Define the description text for a Course

Steps to advertise a Course


Learn how to define the description text for your Course Templates.

Adding detailed descriptions to your Courses not only informs your potential customers about the content of your Course so that they are confident in their booking, but also serves as a powerful marketing tool!

A clear and inviting description provides a sneak peek into your Course's value, helping your customers to make informed decisions during their searching and booking process. You can also use this text to entice bookings, by advertising the benefits of attending the Course and what each of your potential customers would achieve by booking and attending with you.

example description text for a leadership course displayed in the learner portal

Your Course Template text will be displayed within your Learner Portal from the Course Search, when your customers are searching for Courses to book, additionally this text is available in the Course XML Feeds which can be used for website integration.

Follow this page to learn how to add descriptive text to your Course Templates.

Add description text to your Course Template

This step will run through how to add text to your Course Templates


  1. Open the Course Template DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

    Course Templates main menu option


  2. This will open the Course Templates DataGrid


  3. Find the Course Template you would like to add text to by applying filters and/or searching the Course Templates DataGrid

  4. Right click on the Course Template you wish to update and click ‘Edit’ from the context menu options

    If you need to create a new Course Template, please follow our dedicated guide before continuing


  5. This will open the Course Template Details section from the management menu


  6. Using the Management Menu, click ‘Text’


  7. Enter Aims, Objectives and a Summary of your Course Template, this information can be displayed on your website and in the Learner Portal to give your Delegates more information about the Course they are booking.


Top Tip!
If copying from MS Word use the cleaner tool to get rid of any hidden characters that would affect the formatting of your text


  1. Once you have added your Aims, Objectives and Summary, click the ‘Save’ button in the top right corner

  2. To see how the text is displayed on your website and/or within your Learner Portal, you will need to make sure your Course Template is set to be advertised, you can do this by navigating back to the ‘Details’ section via the Course Management Menu


  3. Scroll down the page until you reach the ‘Promotion’ section, ensure the ‘Advertise’ checkbox is ticked

    Please visit our dedicated guide to learn how to Advertise a Course if it currently isn't advertised

  4. Navigate to the Learner Portal from the Main Navigation Menu using the ‘Switch to Portal’ option


  5. This will open the Portal


  6. Navigate to the ‘Course Search’ Tile


  7. Using the 'Course Search' search bar, search for the name of your Course


  8. Click the ‘Search’ Button

  9. this will bring up your search results


  10. Click the name of your Course to open the Course information page


  11. Check to see if you are happy with the layout of the Aims, Objective and Summary