Steps to add a file for Delegates and Trainers:

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Learn how to send an email to the Trainer(s) assigned to a Course

If you have any ad-hoc Course updates or essential information to share with your Trainers outside the usual automated process, you can quickly craft and send them an email directly from your Courses DataGrid!

Email Details pop-over with 'Trainer Email addresses' selected as the recipient

Follow this page to learn the steps to email the Trainers that are assigned to a Course.

(blue star) Email a Trainer

This step will take you through finding the Course and emailing the Trainers that are assigned to it

  1. Open the ‘Class’ or ‘Web’ Courses DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

    Main navigation menu

  2. Find the Course that you’d like to email your trainers for, by applying filters and/or searching the Courses DataGrid

    Course DataGrid, Search bar highlighted


  3. Right-click the Course and click ‘Email’ from the context menu options

    Context menu, Email selected

  4. This will open the ‘Email Details’ pop up window

    Course Details pop up box

  5. From here you can selected whether the Email is a premade Template or AdHoc if you will be writing an email from scratch
    If you have a Template then you can select this by clicking the ‘Select’ button, and skip to step 8

    Email Template select option


  6. From the ‘Creation Type’ drop-down, select ‘AdHoc’ to access the options to write your email

    AdHoc option highlighted


  7. This will display additional text boxes for you to write the subject and body of your email

    Subject and Body fields


  8. Under the ‘Sender & Recipient’ section, select ‘Trainer Email Addresses’

    To address dropdwon - Trainer Email addresses selected

  9. Once you have added your ‘Subject’ and ‘Body’ of your email, you can select a signature if required 

    subject and body filled in

  10. Once you are happy with the contents of your Email, click the ‘Send’ button to send it

    Send button

(blue star) Optional: View the sent email

This step will take you through viewing the email that has been sent

  1. Open the ‘Communications’ DataGrid from your main navigation menu on the left

    Main navigation menu, communications option

  2. This will open the Communications Datagrid which shows all Email’s and SMS that have been issued to your Users

    communications datagrid

  3. Usually, the ‘Date Created’ column is set to show you the latest Communication sent at the top of your DataGrid however, if your DataGrid is not set up like this, you can use the ascending and descending arrows to set it

    column ascending and descending arrow

  4. You will now see the Email you have recently sent to the Trainer at the top of the DataGrid

    Email showing in communications datagrid at the top

  5. Right-click on the communication and select ‘Preview’ from the context menu options

    context menu, preview option selected

  6. This will open a pop out which shows you a preview of the Emails contents, and any information relating to the communication

    Email pop up showing preview of email sent