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What is Checkout?

Checkout is accessplanit’s latest shopping basket/cart which is integrated into your accessplanit platform for your customers to use to purchase your courses!

Checkout is a highly usable, mobile friendly, modern shopping experience for your customers and has been built using newer technology which means it is quick to complete a course booking!

Checkout also benefits from several features which accessplanit has not yet offered before; such as a Registration Form builder, the ability to capture additional delegate information post-booking, and remind your customers about their abandoned baskets.

Checkout basket preview

How to switch to Checkout

There are just 3 tasks to complete before you switch over to the new Checkout from our previous Shopping Basket.

  1. Check that Checkout has everything you need from a shopping basket.

  2. Configure your brand

  3. Practice!

Step 1: Can I use Checkout yet?

We will work with you to ensure that the features and functionality that you need & use in your current basket are available within Checkout, if not we will take note of the missing features and contact you again when these are available.

This section details the functionality that is and is not yet available in Checkout, if you need to use any of these features please let your Customer Success Manger know.

Not yet available

Available soon!

Already available


Language Translation (excl. Danish)

Provisional Bookings

Editing Delegate/User details

Promote Courses within the basket*

Modular Course Bookings


Tax Exempt Customers

Set up a Registration Form per Training Provider*


Build your own Registration Form*

Delegate Bookings

Placeholder Bookings

Classroom Course Bookings

Webinar Course Bookings

eLearning Course Bookings

Document Course Bookings

Sessional Course Bookings

Waiting List Bookings

Taxable Course Bookings

Tax Exempt Course Bookings

Purchasing Products & Services

Bookings from Opportunities 

Create new Delegates

Capture Delegate information

Email your customers about their abandoned baskets*

Course Exclusivity limiting bookings

Required Awards limiting bookings

Brand your Checkout basket

Google Analytics

Download course iCals*

Danish Translation


Display a Continue Shopping button

Auto-select the booking user as the delegate

Hide costs entirely

Hide payment step

Hide free, mandatory sessions

Hide the registration form

Restrict bookings for specific Users



Set the Billing Address as mandatory

Define the information needed for
new Delegates

Allow bookings on past courses

Change the date format

Include the course's time zone

Choose a default Country

Password validation message


Price Schemes

Support for purchasing Vouchers 

Support for spending Vouchers

Partial Payments

Payments using Barclays ePDQ

Payments using Global Payments

Payments using WPM Education

Mandatory PO per customer


Multiple currencies in use

Payments using Adyen


Automatic Discounts

Manual Discounts

Payments using Stripe

Payments using PayPal

Payments using Opayo

Payments using WorldPay

PO Number settings

* Features which are only available in Checkout, these features are not available in any previous accessplanit shopping basket

Review the changes in functionality between your current shopping basket and the new Checkout basket:

  1. Checkout is not compatible with the legacy system, please get in touch with us if you are unsure what this means and if you are affected

  2. Your current shopping basket does not display the final ‘complete’ message until all bookings, delegates, invoices, and transactions are completely logged. This leaves the booker unable to leave the basket process until everything is complete. With Checkout, a final check is run when the user clicks to make payment, then the user is taken directly to the next page while the items are created in the background, this means that there can be a couple of minutes delay (at the maximum) before you can see the generated delegates and invoices following a booking.

  3. Booking Based Discount exclusivity looks at the booker/invoice target instead of the account for the selected Delegate(s).

  4. Placeholder places are able to use Delegate Based Discounts.

  5. Invoice Based Discounts are merged into Booking Based Discounts as they behave the same.

  6. The booker can always be selected as the invoice target, even if they have selected other users as the delegates, whereas your current shopping basket only allows the booker to choose from their account(s) when they are booking others.

Other area to check:

accessplanit will also complete checks on the following areas before switching you onto the new Checkout basket:

  • Your customer managers are set up with the role 'Manager Role' instead of the legacy 'Customer Manager'

  • You do not have any invalid countries assigned to your Accounts or Users (i.e. 'UK' instead of 'United Kingdom')

  • Your selected Payment Gateway, some gateways (such as Opayo) require additional information adding into the integration to work with the new Checkout basket 

If any of the above need to be amended before your switch, we will direct you to make these changes.

Step 2: Configuration

This section details the set-up information that we need from you to complete Step 2: Configuration.

Please complete the below attachment and provide it back to your CSM, see below this for more information and context for each requirement.

Checkout appearance

You can change the look and feel of your Checkout basket, best practice is to match your Checkout basket as close to your website as possible to give your customers a seamless booking experience!

Here are a few examples (click to enlarge):

If you would like accessplanit to set this up for you, please provide us with

  1. A company logo to be displayed at the top of your Checkout basket
    Preferably a maximum of 100px by 50px, in a .png format

  2. Company contact information to be displayed at the top of your Checkout basket 
    Preferably, a phone number and an email address for any customers who may be struggling with their booking or have any questions for you

  3. A core colour; this will be used on in the headers of each section, and on the buttons within the pages
    Preferably in a hex colour code format i.e. #000000

  4. A secondary colour; this will be used on the progress buttons (call to actions) that the booking user uses to move to the next step
    Preferably in a hex colour code format i.e. #000000

  5. A third colour; this will be used on the cancel/close buttons
    Preferably red or grey, choose a colour that does not stand out too much against your core colour.

  6. A web-safe font choice
    You can choose from 

    1. Arial

    2. Courier

    3. Courier New

    4. Georgia

    5. Helvetica

    6. Roboto

    7. Times New Roman

    8. Verdana

  7. A standard, default image to be used for your courses in the basket
    You will be able to override this per Course Template, this default image ensures that you never have a course that is missing an image! 
    We recommend choosing something generic, or using your own logo.

If you would prefer to set this up yourself, please access the Checkout Options page from Administration.

See our dedicated knowledge base page for support with this.

Capturing Booking User Information

You can decide which information your capture about your new booking users within your Registration Form

If you would like accessplanit to set this up for you, please provide us with

Registration Form

The registration form captures information about the person making the booking (the booker)

We recommend capturing as little information as possible, to reduce the number of drop-outs.

Please let us know from the following list; what information you would like to know about your booking users.

You must include whether the field should be mandatory for your bookers to provide.

Commonly Used Fields

  1. First name (mandatory)

  2. Last name (mandatory)

  3. Email address (mandatory)

  4. Password (mandatory)

  5. Phone number

  6. Account / company name

  7. Account phone number

User Fields

  1. Title

  2. Middle name

  3. Job title

  4. Address

  5. Town/city

  6. County/state

  7. Postcode/zip code

  8. Country

  9. Preferred method of contact

  10. Date of birth

  11. Gender

Account / Company Fields

  1. Address

  2. Town/city

  3. County/state

  4. Postcode/zip code

  5. Country

Delegate Information

Create Delegates

Delegate information can be provided when the delegate is first created, and again at the end of the booking

We recommend capturing as little information up front, to make the booking process as quick as possible for your bookers, and then request the rest of the information at the end of the booking. 

Please let us know from the following list; what information you would like to capture when the delegate is first created, please note that these will all be mandatory:

  1. First Name (mandatory)

  2. Last Name (mandatory)

  3. Email Address

  4. Account Name (mandatory)

  5. Phone Number

  6. Date of Birth

  7. Address

  8. Town

  9. County

  10. Country

  11. Postcode

Manage Booking Step

Please let us know from the following list, what information you would like to capture at the end of the booking:

  1. Date of birth

  2. Job title

  3. Address

  4. Town/city

  5. County/state

  6. Postcode/zip code

  7. Country

  8. Mobile number

  9. Shipping address

  10. Shipping town/city

  11. Shipping county/ctate

  12. Shipping postcode/zip code

  13. Shipping country

If you would prefer to set this up yourself, please access the Checkout Options page from Administration.

See our dedicated knowledge base page for support with this.

Step 3: Practice

This section details the main booking types for you to practice with

  1. Registering & booking as a manager

  2. Registering & booking as an individual

  3. Logging in as a manager to make a booking

  4. Logging in as an individual to make a booking

  5. Booking a classroom or webinar course

  6. Booking an eLearning course

  7. Booking a sessional course

  8. Making a booking as an administrator

  9. Paying by invoice

  10. Paying by payment gateway

See the below file to download our standard UAT sheet for practicing with Checkout to get you ready to switch over live!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can we hide any of the billing options in our basket?
    Yes! You can rename or hide the ‘PO Number’ option on the billing step of the Checkout basket, please see our Checkout Options guide for more information. It is not currently possible to hide any of the other options on this page, please log a product suggestion with us if this is something that you would like to see.

  2. Can we hide the ‘Skip & Manage Later’ option on the Manage Booking step?
    We have not provided the option to hide the ‘Skip’ option on the Manage Step as it is best practice to provide your customers that either do not have the information to hand, or the time to complete it, a way to reach the end of the booking process. If this Skip option was removed, your customers would instead close the window miss out on viewing their Order Summary. By providing a Skip option, your customers can make the decision to complete this information later, and you can follow up with them automatically using your Workflows!

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