Delete a Course


Steps to delete a Course


Learn how to delete a scheduled Course.

If you have mistakenly scheduled a Course, easily remove it from your platform to prevent bookings and to stop it from showing up in your Course reports.

Please note, if you have already had Delegates register for this Course, you should instead cancel this Course to keep an audit trail of the Delegates and their Bookings.

Delete confirmation window


Follow this page to learn the steps to delete a Course.

Delete a Course

This step will take you through the steps to delete a Course


  1. From the Main Navigation menu go to Course> Class or Courses> Web. This will open the Course DataGrid

    Main Navigation Menu - Courses

  2. Find the Course that you wish to delete by applying filters and/or searching the Course’s DataGrid

  3. Once you have located the course you wish to delete, right click and select ‘Delegates’


  4. You want to check no Delegates are listed before deleting a Course, you will need to do the same for Placeholders


Please Note
Courses cannot be deleted unless all Delegates and Placeholders have been removed/transferred


  1. Using the breadcrumb links, navigate back to the Course DataGrid

  1. Once your back at the Courses DataGrid, right click on the Course you wish to delete and click ‘Delete’ from the bottom context menu

  2. A confirmation window will pop asking you to confirm you wish to delete the Course, click ‘Yes’


  3. Once deleted, you will receive a pop up confirming the Course has now been deleted, click ‘OK’