Creating a New Training Administrator

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This page shows you how to create a user, then set their role to make them a Training Administrator. 

Creating the user

  1. Go to the Users DataGrid on the main left hand menu

  2. Click the Add Users button at the top left of the DataGrid

  3. Fill in the form with as much detail as possible, the fields prefixed with the asterisk are mandatory and cannot be skipped

  4. Fill in the employment section with the Main Account being the Training Provider you need the new Training Administrator to be in charge of, then specify the Main Role to be Training Administrator

  5. Visit the roles section on the main left hand menu

    If you have more than one Training Provider in your Platform, you have now set up the new Training Administrator fully. 

    If you only have a single Training Provider, it may be useful to follow the below steps. 

    Within the roles menu, remove the account so that the role has no account name or account group.
    Removing Account Name and/or Account Group Name means that the Role Training Administrator is given throughout the entire Platform meaning the new Training Admin will have access to all Accounts and Account Groups.