The Category Maintenance area allows you to create and assign Categories to be used throughout the accessplanit platform. Categories can be applied to Course Templates, Awards or Communications and are used to group items together. The Course Date Calendar can be viewed by Category colour, allowing you to quickly and easily see the types of courses by Category at a glance.

To discover how to use Categories, /wiki/spaces/HW/pages/239468605

Where to find Categories

Click on the Profile Icon at the top right hand side of the platform and select Administration:

Within this page, click the menu option Categories

Setting up a Category

When setting up a Category, you will be asked to provide some of the following details about the Category:

This is the name of your Category. It's best to make it relevant to the content that is contained within the Category.

Category Type
This defines the type of Category you're creating. Your accessplanit platform has two options for this, Course Template/Awards, or Communications. This dictates where the Category will be available within the platform. 

This option can be used to define the colour that any Course Templates in this Category will display as on the Course Date Calendar.

Maintaining Categories

Categories can be maintained from the Category Maintenance page found by editing each Category. Here, you can see any Course Templates or Awards associated with a Category.  


You can also find out which Categories are associated with an Award or Course Template by going to that Award's or Course Template's Maintenance page and selecting the Categories tab.