Learn how to create Certificates, associate them to your Courses, and automatically email them to your Delegates when they complete their Courses!

Providing certificates to your Delegates when they complete a Course is essential to validate their efforts and achievements! Even when certificates are not logistically required, certificates add a tangible and rewarding element to the learning experience. These certificates can not only boost your Delegates' confidence, but also serve as an acknowledgment of their skills, and they can use them enhance their credibility in their respective field.

To offer a great customer experience, we recommend issuing out certificates as soon as possible following a Course so that your Delegates' can showcase their new skills and credentials quickly, give them an immediate sense of accomplishment, while also reinforcing their enthusiasm for your training and Courses!


With accessplanit’s Document Templates, you can upload your Certificate templates (created using Microsoft Word) and automatically send these out with your Delegate’s details populated in them, as soon as your Courses are completed.

Follow this page to learn the steps and best practice for sending out Certificates effectively and automatically!

(blue star) Create your Certificate

With your accessplanit platform you can upload certificate templates, that have been created in Microsoft Word!

There are special accessplanit merge fields that you can include in your Word documents, so that the information held in your accessplanit platform is automatically populated in your certificates when they are emailed out.

To create a Certificate, you will follow these steps:

  1. Build your Certificate in MS Word

  2. Create a Certificate Document Template

  3. Test the Certificate

Build your Certificate in MS Word

The first step is to open Microsoft Word and create your certificate template, using accessplanit merge fields

Top tip!

Before you begin building your Certificate, first consider what you would like to include in your certificate, consider:

  • What information do you want to include? The name and date of the Course, and the name of the Delegate are recommended as a minimum!

  • Your brand - are there certain colours and logos that you need to include?

  • Legal requirements - do you need to include a unique ID or an expiry date on your certificates?

  1. Open the Microsoft Word application

    Word Application icon

  2. If you have an existing Certificate document, you can open this and use it as your Certificate template

  3. If you do not yet have an existing Certificate document, use Microsoft Word’s tools to build the structure of your Certificate

    building a certificate in Word

  4. Once you have the structure in place, you can add in ‘merge fields' which will pull information from your accessplanit platform into each Certificate that is generated, for example adding in the merge field of ‘course_label’ so that the name of the Delegate’s Course is included on their Certificate

  5. The first step of adding a merge field is to find the label that is needed for the field, to do this, open the Document Template Merge Fields and Glossary and find the merge field that you would like to include, copy the label of the field from this page

    copying the text candidate_names from the glossary page

  6. Click into your Word document where you would like to place the merge field

    cursor clicked before the 'name' text in the certificate template

  7. Open the ‘Insert' menu in Microsoft Word and view the 'Quick Parts’ options

    insert menu options in Word

Please note

If you are using a Mac you will go to Insert > Field

Please note

If you are using a Mac you will go to Insert > Field

  1. Click the ‘Field…’ option to open the ‘Field’ pop-up window

    field pop-over window

  2. From the ‘Field names:' list scroll down and select the 'MergeField’ option

    MergeField option selected

  3. Paste in the merge field label into the ‘Field name:’ textbox

    pasting the content candidate_names into the field name textbox

  4. Click the OK button to add your merge field into your certificate template

    merge field added into the document

  5. Repeat steps 5-11 for each merge field in your certificate

    certificate completed with all merge fields

  6. Save your certificate file

    Save option in Word

Top Tip!

You can apply formatting to some merge fields, such as date fields, so if you would prefer that your dates are displayed as 14 Jun 2025 or 06-14-25 instead of 14/06/2025, then please refer to our https://accessplanit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HG/pages/385286154/Document+Template+Merge+Fields+and+Glossary#Managing-Date-Formats-in-Merge-Fields guide to add in your choice of formatting.

Create a Certificate Document Template

Once you have created and saved your certificate in MS Word, you will next upload this into your accessplanit platform as a ‘Document Template’.

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu from the Profile options at the top-right of your platform

    administration option
  2. Open the ‘Document Templates’ menu option to access the page where you can add and edit Document Templates such as certificates and sign-in sheets

    Document Templates menu option

  3. Click the ‘Add Document Template’ button to open the pop-up window where you can create a new Document Template

    Add Document Template button

  4. From the 'Add Document Template' window, complete the form to upload your certificate template

    1. Select your Training Provider from the ‘Account’ select option

    2. Provide a name for your Document Template, such as ‘Certificate of Attendance’ or ‘Certificate of Achievement’

    3. Optional: Provide a description for your document to inform your team what it is for

    4. Make sure the ‘Active’ checkbox is checked

    5. Leave the ‘Keep original document type when emailed’ option unchecked, this will mean that your certificate is sent in a PDF format so your Delegates cannot edit it easily

    6. Upload your file

    7. Leave the ‘Applies to’ option selected as ‘Course’ and the ‘Details Used’ option selected as ‘Delegate’

      adding a new Document Template pop-over

  5. Click ‘Save & Close’ to finish creating your Document Template

Test the Certificate

Before you move onto automating your certificate to send out from your platform, first test that the certificate generates as you are expecting

  1. From the Document Templates DataGrid, right-click your Certificate Document Template to view the context menu options

    Document Template DataGrid context menu options with edit highlighted

  2. Click the ‘Edit’ option to view to the Document Template’s Details

    the options at the top of the Document Template Details page

  3. Click the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom of the form to open the Document Generator window

    preview button

  4. From the Document Generator window, use the ‘Delegate IDs’ selector to select a Delegate who has completed a Course

    Document Generator window

  5. Click the 'Generate' button to download a copy of the certificate for this Delegate

  6. Review the certificate to check that the correct information is included, no information is missing, and everything is formatted as you expect

    Certificate populated with a delegate's details

  7. If you need to make any changes to your certificate, you can make these on your Microsoft Word document and save your changes, then update the file that is linked to your Document Template by using the ‘Upload New File’ option when editing your Document Template

    document template details editor

(blue star) Associate your Certificate to your Course Templates

To send your Certificate out automatically before or after your Courses run, the first step is to link your Certificate to the relevant Course Templates.

  1. Open your ‘Course Templates’ DataGrid from your main menu on the left

    Course Templates main menu option

  2. Find the Course Template that you would like to assign your Certificate to by applying filters and/or searching the Course Templates DataGrid

    using the search in the Course Templates DataGrid

  3. Right-click on this Course Template in the DataGrid, this will show you the context menu options for this Course Template and click on the 'Edit' option

    edit option selected on the context menu options

  4. Scroll down to the ‘Document Templates’ section on the page

    Document Template options when editing a Course Template

  5. Use the ‘Select’ button to assign your Certificate to your Course Template

    Certificate of achievement selected as the certificate for the Course Template

  6. Click ‘Save’ at the top of the page to apply your changes

    save button

Top Tip!

To save time, a member of the accessplanit team will be able to arrange for all of your Course Templates to have the same Certificate Document Template assigned (in bulk). Please get in touch with us if this would be helpful for you.

(blue star) Create your Certificate Email Template

To send your Certificates out via email, you will need to create an Email Template which contains a link to the Certificate.

Create your Certificate Email Template

This step will teach you how to add a new Email Template into your platform which contains a link to your Certificate. Once you have added your Email Template, you will be able to build a Workflow to send this Email Template out to your Delegates automatically, or send it out manually yourself via the Delegates DataGrid.

Top Tip!

accessplanit platforms come with many pre-built Email Templates to save you time! These pre-built templates include a ‘Delegate - Certificate of Attendance’ Email Template which you can use or copy from.

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

    administration option

  2. Click on the ‘Email Templates’ menu option to open the Email Templates DataGrid

    Email Templates menu option

  3. If you plan to copy from an existing Email Template, search for that Email Template, right-click on it and select ‘Edit’, then copy the contents of the Body, return back to the Email Templates DataGrid

  4. Click the ‘Add Email Template’ button at the top of the Email Templates DataGrid

    Email Templates DataGrid with Add button focused on

  5. Give your Email Template a ‘Name’
    We recommend labelling your Email Template with the name of the anticipated recipient followed by a description of the email, such as “Delegate - Certificate of Attendance”

  6. Select which Module your Email Template relates to, as Certificates only send about Delegates you will use one of the following:

    1. Delegates - this module is for sending emails to all Delegates and Trainers, please note that this module does not include course type specific fields for you to include in your email (such as eLearning Package information, Venue information, or Webinar Course joining information)

    2. Class Delegates - this module is for sending emails to Delegates and Trainers on Class Courses only, and it includes classroom specific fields such as venue that can be included in the body of your email

    3. Web Delegates - this module is for sending emails to Delegates and Trainers on WebCourses only, and it includes webinar specific fields such as webinar joining information that can be included in the body of your email

    4. eLearning Delegates - this module is for sending emails to Delegates on eLearning Courses only, and it includes eLearning specific fields such as the eLearning launch link that can be included in the body of your email

    5. Knowledge Document Delegates - this module is for sending emails to Delegates on Knowledge Document Courses only

  7. Leave the ‘Email Type’ selected as ‘Normal’ as this is a transactional email, not a marketing email

    Email Type drop-down box with Normal selected

  8. Leave the ‘Creation Mode’ as ‘Free Text’ as you will be defining the content of your Email directly in the Email Template rather than first building Text Templates

    Creation Mode drop-down box with free-text selected

  9. Add in a ‘Subject’ for your email
    We recommend including the name of the Course within the subject to catch the recipient’s attention in their inbox, you can do this by adding the merge field @@CourseOrAliasName into the Subject text box

  10. Add in the ‘Body’ of your email
    If you copied the content from an existing Email Template, you can paste this content into here!

    certificate email template

  11. Use the ‘Field' drop-down option in the text editor to include merge fields such as the Delegate’s name within your Email Template

    Delegate Field options

  12. Ensure that you include the link to the Certificate, if you do not already have this link included, click on the ‘Quick Link’ option and select the ‘Certificate Link’ option to insert the link into your email

    Delegate Quick Link options with Certificate Link highlighted

  13. Update the wording of your Certificate link by clicking on the ‘Edit’ Link button

    certificate link clicked on showing it's edit options

    renaming the certificate link

  14. We also recommend making sure that your certificate link is underlined and centred so that it stands out on the email to your Delegates

    certificate link text underlined and in a bigger font

  15. Click ‘Save and Close’ to save your Email Template

    Save and close button

  16. If you would like to test your Email Template before continuing, remain on the Email Templates DataGrid, search for your Email Template, right-click on it and select the ‘Edit’ context menu option

    context menu options on the Email Templates DataGrid

  17. Click on the ‘Preview’ option at the bottom of the Email Template editor

    Preview button

  18. Select a Delegate from the ‘Preview Object’

    preview email options

  19. Enter your Email Address into the 'Send sample to' option

    preview email options

  20. Click the ‘Send Email’ button to send a copy of this Email Template for this Delegate to your Email Address

Optional - Manually send out your Email Template

This step will teach you send your Email Template out manually, if you want your Email Template to send out automatically please jump ahead to the next section where you will create your Certificate Workflow.

  1. Open the Delegates Smart Grid that relates to your Email Template, for example if you have used the ‘Web Delegates’ module to build your Email Template, open the ‘Web Delegates' Smart Grid
    If you have used the 'Delegates’ module, you can use any Delegate Smart Grid

  2. Apply filters to your Smart Grid to only display the Delegates that you would like to send your Certificate to
    For example, apply a filter to only display Delegates that have completed Courses, and their Invoice is paid

  3. Use the Select-All checkbox option at the top left of your Delegate list

    If your list of Delegates spans over multiple pages, there will be an option at the top of your list of Delegates which will quickly selected every Delegate that meets your filter

  4. Click on the bulk ‘Email’ option besides the Select-All checkbox

  5. In the ‘Email Details’ pop-up window, set the Creation Type to ‘Template’ as you will be using an Email Template instead of writing an email from scratch, select your recipient from the ‘To Address’ Property, and finally select your 'Email Template'

    email details window with the Delegate selected as the recipient and the certificate email selected as the email template

  6. Click ‘Send’ to send your Email Template for each of your selected Delegates!

  7. To view the emails that you have sent, open the Communications DataGrid.

(blue star) Create your Certificate Workflow

Workflow Templates are used to automate communications, this is the step where you will define the circumstances needed for your Certificate email to send, when it will be sent, and who it will be sent to!

Create your Certificate Workflow

This step will teach you how to add a new Workflow into your platform and set up a Workflow Action to send your Certificate Email Template out automatically!

Top Tip!

accessplanit platforms come with many pre-built Workflows to save you time! These pre-built templates include a ‘Delegate - Certificate of Attendance’ Workflow which you can update or clone.

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

    administration option

  2. Click on the ‘Workflow Templates’ menu option to open the Workflows DataGrid

    Workflow Templates DataGrid

  3. If you are creating a new Workflow from scratch, click ‘Add Workflow Template’ to open the new Workflow form

    Add Workflow Template button

  4. From the new Workflow form, enter a ‘Title’ for your Workflow Template
    We recommend labelling your Workflow with the name of the anticipated recipient followed by a description of the email, such as “Delegate - Certificate”

    Workflow details form with the details of a certificate workflow populated

  5. Select the same Module that you used for your Email Template

  6. Provide a useful Description so that your team know what this Workflow is for

  7. Leave your Workflow inactive for now

    active checkbox unchecked

  8. Click ‘Save’ to create your Workflow

    save button

  9. After you have saved your Workflow Template with the basic details, you will be able to access the tab menu on the left to add further information

    Workflow tab menus with Details selected

  10. Click to open the ‘Settings’ page for this Workflow Template using the tab menu on the left

    Workflow tab menus with Settings selected

  11. Add Rules to your Workflow to decide which Delegates will receive your automated Certificate Email
    Here are some common rules used for automated Certificate Emails, you can include any combination of these, as required:

    1. Only send to Delegates that have completed the Course

      Rules are Status has changed and status is in completed
    2. Do not send to Delegates for their sessions (i.e. they will only receive certificates for completing non-sessional Courses and the parent Course of Sessional Courses, not each Session)

      Rules are is session candidate equal to no
    3. Do not send to Delegates that have not yet completed the post-Course Survey

      Rules are course survey submitted is not empty
    4. Only send to Delegates that have completed specific Courses

      Rules are course template id is in with course templates selected
    5. Only send to Delegates that have a fully paid Invoice

      Rules are invoice status is in completed

  12. It is very unlikely that you will need to make any changes to any of the other settings available in the Settings page, to read more about these options please see our guide Workflows Overview

  13. Once you have saved your Rules in the Settings page, open the Actions page to add your Workflow Email Action!

    Workflow tab menus with Actions selected

  14. Click the 'Add Workflow Action' button

    Workflow Template Actions DataGrid with the Add button

  15. Enter an ‘Action Label’ for your Email Action
    We recommend labelling your Workflow Email Actions with the details of the email and when it will send, such as “Certificate - when the Delegate completes the Course”

    Workflow Template Action with Action label 'Certificate'

  16. Select the Action Name ‘Send an email message’

  17. Click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the form to display the other settings on the page

    Save button

  18. After you have saved your Workflow Action with the basic details, you will be able to provide more information

  19. Use the Action Date options to define when your email will send
    For example: ‘1 Days After Course End Date' to send the email a day after the Course
    For example: '5 minutes After Current Date Time’ to send the email 5 minutes after the Delegate meets the Workflow rules (recommended for this Workflow Action)

  20. Check the ‘Send on Action Date Only’ if you do not want Delegates that are added to your Course after the email should have sent to receive it

  21. Use the ‘To Address’ options to select who you would like to receive this email

    Select Delegate Email Address

  22. Select your 'Email Template' from the drop-down box

    Workflow Action with the Delegate selected as the recipient and the certificate email template selected

  23. As you have included a link to the certificate within the body of the email, you do not need to use the Attachments options to also attach the certificate to your email
    By including a link rather than an attachment for the certificate, your emails will have a smaller size and they will be less likely to be caught by spam filters

  24. Click the 'Save' button to save your Workflow Email Action

    Save button

  25. Once you have added your Workflow Action, your Workflow is ready to be tested!

(blue star) Test and enable your Certificate Workflow

Before you set your Workflow to ‘Active’, we recommend that you first run a few tests to check that the formatting of your email works as you expect and to test your Certificate links.

Test your Certificate Workflow - Single Email Test

This testing approach is best used for Workflows where you want to view/test the content of the email only, if you would like to test that your rules are set up correctly, please jump ahead to the “Test your Certificate Workflow - Become the Recipient” below.

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

    administration option

  2. Click on the 'Workflow Templates' menu option to open the Workflows DataGrid

    Workflow Templates menu option

  3. Search for your Workflow Template by applying filters and/or searching the Workflows DataGrid

    searching the Workflows DataGrid for 'cert'

  4. Right-click on your Certificate Workflow, this will show you the context menu options for this Workflow

    Workflow Template context menu options with the actions option highlighted

  5. Click on the ‘Actions’ context menu option to open the Workflow Actions DataGrid for this Workflow

  6. From the Workflow Actions DataGrid, right-click on your Workflow Email Action and select the ‘Edit’ option

    Workflow Template Actions context menu options with the edit option highlighted

  7. Click on the ‘Preview’ button at the top right of the Workflow Email Action edit page

  8. Select a Delegate from the ‘Preview Object’

    Sample delegate selected as a preview option

  9. This will show you a preview of the email and how it will display in the ‘Content’ section

  10. Enter your Email Address into the 'Send sample to' option

    send sample to email address completed with example email address

  11. Click the ‘Send Email’ to send a copy of this Email Template for this Delegate to your Email Address

  12. If you notice any changes are needed to your Email Template, open the ‘Email Templates’ DataGrid from the ‘Administration’ menu option, edit your Email Template and save. You can then run through these testing steps again.

    Email Templates menu option

  13. Once you are happy with the content of your Email Template and Workflow you can set your Workflow to Active!

  14. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

  15. Click on the ‘Workflow Templates’ menu option to open the Workflows DataGrid

    Workflow Templates menu option

  16. Search for your Workflow Template, right-click on it to view the context menu options and select the 'Edit' option

    Workflow Template context menu options with the edit option highlighted

  17. Scroll down to the ‘Active’ checkbox and check this box

  18. Click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the page to save your Workflow as active!

Test your Certificate Workflow - Become the Recipient

This testing approach is best used for Workflows where you are not confident with the rules of your Workflow, and you would like to ensure that you will not send out your Certificate emails to the wrong Delegates. With this approach you will start using your Workflow, but all of the Emails will be sent to an Administrator's email address temporarily.

  1. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

    administration option

  2. Click on the ‘Workflow Templates' menu option to open the Workflows DataGrid

    Workflow Templates menu option

  3. Search for your Workflow Template by applying filters and/or searching the Workflows DataGrid

    searching the Workflows DataGrid for 'cert'

  4. Right-click on your Certificate Workflow, this will show you the context menu options for this Workflow

    Workflow Template context menu options with the actions option highlighted

  5. Click on the ‘Actions’ context menu option to open the Workflow Actions DataGrid for this Workflow

  6. From the Workflow Actions DataGrid, right-click on your Workflow Email Action and select the ‘Edit’ option

    Workflow Template Actions context menu options with the edit option highlighted

  7. Scroll to the ‘To Address’ option and change the setting from ‘Field’ to ‘Constant’

    To Address selected as Constant

  8. Remove the existing content from the ‘To Address’ bar, and type in the email address(es) that you would like to receive your Certificate emails to, press enter after you have typed in each email address

  9. Click the ‘Save’ button at the top of your page to save these changes

  10. Repeat steps 4-6 if you have any additional Workflow Email Actions for this Workflow

  11. Once you have set all of your Workflow Actions to send to an Administrator’s Email Address you can set your Workflow to Active!

  12. Open the ‘Administration’ menu option at the top right of your platform

  13. Click on the ‘Workflow Templates’ menu option to open the Workflows DataGrid

    Workflow Templates menu option

  14. Search for your Workflow Template, right-click on it to view the context menu options and select the 'Edit' option

    Workflow Template context menu options with the edit option highlighted

  15. Scroll down to the ‘Active’ checkbox and check this box

  16. Click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the page to save your Workflow as active!

  17. During this testing period where the Certificate emails are being sent to an Administrator, if you would like to send your Certificate Email Template out to your Delegates you can do so manually by following the Manually send out your Email Template steps above

  18. After a period of time, when you are confident that your Certificate emails are sending for the right Delegates at the right time, you then then update the Workflow Actions 'To Address' to the correct recipient and Save.