Exporting Reports

To export a Report, you can:

  1. Navigate to Report > Report Writer.

  2. Click on the name of the Report that you wish to export.

  3. After the Report loads, select whichever of the exporting formats you wish the export to take.

  4. Your Report will then download in your browser in your chosen format.

There are many options when it comes to exporting your Reports, including:

  • Print to PDF

  • HTML Print

  • Export the SQL

  • CSV Exporter

  • Microsoft Excel Exporter

  • Microsoft Word Exporter

  • XML Exporter

  • Email

The most common methods of exporting Reports is through Microsoft Excel and CSV. 

Saving Reports

To save your Report, you do the following steps:

  1. Within your Report, click Save or Save As.


  2. If you click Save As, you'll need to select or create a category for it to go into.

  3. Give the Report a name and then select the Category from the drop down box.

  4. You will then be able to open your saved Report by refreshing your web browser and opening Report Writer. 

"%" sign in Report Writer Titles - Cannot be saved

If the Report is owned by you (i.e. you are its creator) you will be able to use Save to overwrite previous versions of the report.

If the Report is not owned by yourself, or you’d like to make a copy of your Report, use Save As.