The Bookings SmartGrid displays all bookings that have been made in accessplanit  - that is, all Delegates booked onto courses through the Shopping Basket, not added through a DataGrid. Within this DataGrid, you can view booking records and edit PO Numbers.

How to view a booking

  1. To view more details about a booking that has been made, right click on the relevant booking and select View from the context menu.

  2. A window will appear providing you with more information about the booking.

How to edit a PO Number

  1. Right-click on the correct booking and select Edit PO Number from the context menu.

  2. Update the PO number in the pop up window.


What does booking status mean?

A booking status describes how the Delegate was booked onto a course. This will be Online if the Booking User ID is the same as the User ID (e.g. an end user) and Offline if not (e.g. an admin processing the booking).