Cookies Banner

We have removed the existing cookies information messages that you see on the login page and within your shopping basket, and instead you will see a cookies banner where you can set and manage your cookie preferences:


This cookies banner will appear every 12 months for you to reset your preferences, but you can also do so at any time using the Manage Cookie Preferences at the bottom of your system:


Please note that if you have any social media links in your shopping basket or portal footer that record custom cookies, or if you have any additional cookies captured outside of a standard analytics integration with us, these will not be covered by our standard banner.

Promote your Courses on LinkedIn

You can now quickly and easily promote your courses on LinkedIn, directly from your accessplanit system!

Within the Display Links tab for your class & web courses, click on the new 'LinkedIn' option to promote your course via your LinkedIn account

Adyen - PSD2 Compliant

Our integration with the payment gateway Adyen is now PSD2 compliant, ready for the new legislation coming into force in the EU at the end of December this year

Opportunities - Source & Type available in Workflows

The fields for 'Source' and 'Type' are now available within Workflow Settings for the Opportunities module, this means that you can trigger different Opportunity based Workflows to your admins or sales team based on where the Opportunity came from!

If you would like any support with any of the new features or changes please get in touch with our Helpdesk Team.

If you have any ideas of how we can improve the product further, please log these on our Product Portal.