Finance Settings

Finance Settings

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This section details the available options when configuring finance settings.

Account Finance Options allows you to define your Invoicing and Payment Gateway options per training provider. You are able to define your standard invoicing options, and also override some of these for specific customers such as Invoice terms and mandatory P.Os

General Finance Information


We don't recommend that customers do any of the following tasks, as this can cause issues with auditing:

  • Deleting Invoices

  • Deleting Credit Notes

  • Deleting Payment Gateway or Credit Note Transactions

  • Editing the figures on an Invoice after creation

  • Editing the figures on a Credit Note after creation

The above can lead to incorrect Invoice Statuses, Paid/Outstanding amounts, etc.

However, we can complete these tasks if required by the customer and if we know the reason why the customer has made the request.

We should also outline the consequences of these changes, such as workflows sending, being unable to audit the invoice correctly, status changes, etc.

If the customer has requested the above changes due to a process issue and not due to human error, this ticket should be used as an exercise to show the customer alternative processes or to educate on the correct methods.

Account finance options overview

Click here to view our guide on configuring different finance options

Choosing your payment gateway

Click here to view a list of our currently supported payment gateways.

Finance details for your implementation manager

At the start of your implementation, your implementation manager will need to know how to configure the following options:

Basic Details

You can customise some of the information that is displayed or applied to Invoices and Credit Notes within your accessplanit platform. The table below outlines all functions that are available within this area of Account Finance Options:


Purchase Tax 

Overrides the tax label. The default is VAT, but sales tax or TAX can be used outside of the UK.


Tax Rate (%) 

Overrides the tax rate. The default is 20% (Current UK VAT).


Invoice Term Days

Defines the number of days before an Invoice being overdue based on the Invoice term type.


Invoice Term Type 

Defines how the platform calculates an Invoice due date, i.e. being based the start date of the course, or at the end of a course date etc.

After invoice generation / After the course date

Tax Exclusive

Allows you to advertise your courses as tax exclusive if selected, or inclusive if not selected. This will apply to all courses platform wide for the selected provider. Note this is not tax exempt.


Tax Label 

Provides an additional label to your course costs, such as 'inc. VAT' or 'excl. VAT'.

inc. VAT

Auto-Commit Invoices

Allows the platform to automatically generate Invoices following a booking. Without this Invoices must be generated manually. Please note, if a booker pays in full and auto commit is turned off, an Invoice will still be generated.


Message to be displayed in the footer of the Invoice

Here you can define your own custom content to be displayed at the bottom of your Invoices, such as BACS payment details.

VAT Reg Number… 


BACS Payments payable to… 


Cheque Payments payable to… 

Please note: Tax Exclusivity settings can and will change the way that all of your new and existing invoices are calculated and generated. Please do avoid changing this tax settings too frequently, as this may lead to disruptions in your finances.

Payment Methods To Be Enabled

Payment Method 


Available to 


Administrators & designated accounts 

Opayo (formally SagePay) 

All users 



Barclays EPDQ 


Global Payments




WPM Education





Administrators only 


Administrators only 


Administrators only 


Anyone who is issued a voucher 

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