Filling in the data sheets & documents

Filling in the data sheets & documents


There are several data sheets and documents to complete with your data for your accessplanit implementation, this guide will explain how to complete each one. 

Please ensure the datasheets are downloaded, opened and updated as desktop versions. Any column requiring dates have been set to UK Date format (DD/MM/YY), however if you use Excel Online (Microsoft 365) your region or date format may be set to USA (Please check this within your 365 settings). Please be aware that if you paste data into Excel then Excel will override the format and use the original format option, to avoid this please select Paste Values. It is the customers responsibility to ensure all data is accurate please check date is correct in Date Check column.

N.B All fields that can be imported into the platform are exposed in the Datasheets. If this data is not required, please leave these blank. 

Inputting Data

Your data may all be due by one set date, or split across several dates and datasheets dependant on your implementation approach and agreement with your implementation and/or project manager. Once you have submitted your final data for each section, this will be built by your accessplanit Implementation Manager. Any additions or further changes can be made directly in the live platform by any Training Administrators.

The Datasheets and Documents

You will be provided with a OneDrive link which contains all the data sheets and documents for your implementation. We also use OneDrive to share other pieces of documentation with you, such as the Project Control Document (PCD), process maps and an area for you to provide us with copies of documentation (e.g surveys and registers) etc currently in use. 

To access the data sheets and documents, open the Datasheets folder on One Drive.

Within here you will find a combination of Excel and Word documents.

Datasheet / Document

What is this for?

Accounts & Users

There are two sheets within this spreadsheet, one to detail each of the companies/departments that you want to store in the platform for your launch (Accounts), and another to detail the people from these companies (Users)

Automated Communications

These spreadsheets allow you to define the automatic course communications that you would like to have in place for your implementation. The first sheet is where you can list each communication that you will send. This page is pre-populated with a lot of Workflow examples, which you then need to define the content of into the Subject, Body and Attachments cells. The second sheet outlines the other pieces of information that we need, such as your email signature and preferred font type.
Awards & Users AwardsThese spreadsheets allow you to detail the award history of your staff and delegates so you have a clear understanding of everyone's current and previous qualifications. Take note that this is similar to the sheet 'Delegates' document, however the user awards sheet is not used to detail delegate records

Course Documents and Tasks

This document is where you will indicate which courses the documents you supply apply to, and to define recurring pre- and post-course tasks that your team need to be reminded of.

Course Templates & Dates

There are two sheets within this spreadsheet, the first is where you will define your course catalogue, the second is where you will list the course dates that you would like to have in place for your launch.


This spreadsheet allows you to detail the attendance list of historical and future course dates.

Take note that this is similar to the sheet 'Delegate awards', however the delegate upload sheet is not used to detail delegate qualifications.

Finance Settings

This document is where you will provide us with the information we need to know about your invoices and the payment options to be enabled.


There are seven sheets within this spreadsheet: the first allows you to define the types of Resources that you would like to have within your platform (such as laptops, Trainers, Venues). The next sheet is where you will list all the Trainers that you would like to have in place for your implementation. The third sheet is where you will list the Venues that you would like to have in place for your implementation. The fourth is where you will detail any other Resources (such as equipment). The fifth is where you can list any booked Trainer holidays, the sixth sheet defines Venue unavailability , whilst the final sheet is where you can associate Trainers with the courses they are able to teach.

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project.  Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required.

Accounts & Users


Each of your customers that you wish to store within the platform should be listed as an Account. Accounts are used to group your platform Users together, so each person that books onto a course will belong in the relevant Account.

It is uncommon, but you may choose to have more than one Account for a customer, i.e. by office or by department. The reasons for splitting a customer into multiple Accounts would be for invoicing purposes (i.e. you will need to Invoice the specific office rather than the overall company), and for defining Manager Access for your customer Users (i.e. when a manager logs in they should only be able to see the details about the Users in their office rather than the whole company)

Accounts are then grouped by Account Groups. The most popular way to group Accounts is by Industry/sector. Others have grouped by geographic region, and size of business. If you do not wish to group your Accounts, simply state that they will all go into an Account Group called ‘Customers’

Field Name






Name of the Account Group this Account will belong in


Account ID


The Account ID is a unique account code which is assigned to each account in the platform. If you already have a unique ID for each account put it here. This cannot be longer than 10 characters. Unless you have a specific reason to use an existing ID, it is recommended to let the platform automatically assign this ID. An External System Reference Code can be captured in a separate field (see below)




Full Account name. If you have two Accounts with the same name ensure that you add something into this name to distinguish them (such as the town name)

Northern Rail - York



Please enter one of the following:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled




VAT Number




First line of the address

Northern House, 9 Rougier St,



The Account’s Town




The Account’s County




The Account’s Country

United Kingdom



The Account’s Postcode


External System Reference code


This field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRM




The Account’s phone number, please note there is a character limit of 20

0800 200 6060



The Account’s fax number, please note there is a character limit of 20

01603 214517

emailOptionalThe Account's email address.person@sky.com



The Account’s web address

www.national rail.co.uk/

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required. 


Every person stored in your platform will be a User, including people who may not even log into the platform. Users include the Administrators, your Trainers, your customers’ managers and the learners.

In this sheet, you do not need to include your Trainers or the platform administrators. In here list each of your customer Users, both your key contacts/customer managers and the learner Users.

Please note that the information recorded here about your existing customers does not need to match the information that you record about your new customers are they register for courses. You can define the information you capture about new customers during your registration form build.

Field Name




 Account IDMandatory The Account ID is a unique user code which is assigned to each Account in the platform. If you already have a unique ID for each account, add it here. This cannot be longer than 10 characters.  CompanyABC - COM39874yH

Account Name


This is the Account that the User will belong to. It needs to be an exact match to an Account in the Accounts sheet. If the user is a private individual (does not belong to an account) enter ‘Guest’ here

Northern Rail - York

User ID


The User ID is a unique user code which is assigned to each user in the platform, if you already have a unique ID for each user put it here. This cannot be longer than 10 characters.




The User title can be Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr, Sir, Lord, Prof, Rev, Fr, Sr, Bro, Lady. Additional titles can be added by your Implementation Manager.




The User's first name


Middle Names


The User's middle name




The User's last name



Please enter one of the following:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
External System Reference codeOptionalThis field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRMNR12LDK56
EmailOptionalThe User's email addressjsmith1987@ hotmail.com



The User's phone number, please note there is a character limit of 20




The User's mobile number, please note there is a character limit of 20




The User's address

12 New Road



The User's town

New Town



The User's county

New County



The User's country

United Kingdom



The User's postcode




User's start date at their account




User's end date at their account




The User's job title, this is a free text field

Customer Success Manager



National Insurance Number

AB 12 34 56 C

Permission setMandatory

This is the level of access that this user should have within the platform

Please enter one of the following:

  • Manager
  • Individual

For more information about permission sets, click here

 Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required. 

Customer Examples

This section covers the documentation as well as any further information required for the build

This includes:

Booking Form

If a booking form is currently in use, please provide us with a copy. This can still be sent as an attachment if needed, alternatively, this will be used to support the creation of a Registration Form.

Branding and Logo's

You can submit a copy of any brand guidelines, logos and colour codes in this folder. This material will be used to apply your platform and portal branding - including branding for automated communications. Ideally the logo needs to be a good quality image (.png or .jpeg) at approximately 100px in height.

Your Certificate template (this must be in a Microsoft Word format)

Certificates can either be generated manually through the platform by an Administrator, or sent automatically when the course is complete.

Your Sign In Sheet/Register template (this must be in a Microsoft Word format)

Course dates sign in sheets or registers can either be emailed ahead of the course, for example to a trainer, or generated manually by an Administrator.

Joining Instructions/Course Overviews, Aims & Objectives

You may wish to attach a Joining Instructions letter to your Delegate joining instructions email, rather than embedding the content within the email. Further information below in Course Documentation.

Course documentation for Delegates and Trainers

You are able to store documents on your courses which can then be made available to the Delegates and trainers on the course via their Portal. Further information below in Course Documentation.

Your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

Your terms and conditions and Privacy Policy will be accessible to Users booking your courses on the final stage of your Shopping Basket. These terms and conditions can also be attached to your automatic workflow communications such as the booking confirmation email and any course cancellation emails. Please provide these in a format where the text can be copied.

Shopping Basket/Checkout Footer Text

This is the text which will be displayed underneath your shopping basket content. The most common content used here is contact information for Users struggling to make their booking. It is also to include payment gateway information such as a Opayo (formally SagePay) or PayPal logo.

Registration Form

Please submit a copy of either your current registration form, or a copy of the required fields.

Delegate Evaluation Form

You are able to automatically send surveys to delegates following a course date. Please submit copies of any existing surveys to be created.

Trainer Evaluation Form

You are able to automatically send surveys to trainers following a course date. Please submit copies of any existing surveys to be created.

Course Documents and Tasks


The Documents sheet covers your course specific documents. This may be pre-reading material for your Delegates, accompanying PowerPoint presentations for your trainers, and supporting course documentation.

Please note that your project scope will not cater for a large number of course documents. We are happy to provide training to Administrators who wish to upload any additional documents which are out of the scope.

Please upload each document and ensure that it is clearly labelled.

Then within the Course Documentation sheet list each document and the course(s) that it is applicable to, along with who should be able to access it within their Portal (Delegates and/or Trainers). If Delegates are able to access the document, please state when they should be able to access it in the Available When column, i.e. Delegate is booked on the course / Delegate has completed the course.

Course Documentation does not include generic documents such as Sign In Sheets .and Certificates.

Course Tasks

The Course Tasks sheet is used to list your standard course Tasks.

Within this document define each of the Tasks that your Administrators will need to be reminded of pre- and post-course, it is important not to list absolutely everything required for your courses as this leads to too much admin. Try to stick to the items which are at a risk of getting missed. You can always add additional Tasks to the platform later.

For each task provide:


This is the name of the Task and should make sense to the User assigned to it.

Assigned to

This is the name of the Administrator who will be completing this Task. You can list multiple Administrators here if there is a group responsible. If it is not always the same person/people who complete the Task, you can leave this blank and assign an Administrator as you go.

Task Starts

The Task start date can be based on the start date of the course, or the end date of the course, e.g.. the Task starts 7 days before the course start date.

Task Due

The Task due date can be based on the start date of the course, the end date of the course, or the Task start date, e.g. the Task is due 1 day after the Task start date.


The Task priority numbers run from 1 to 5. It is up to you whether 1 is the highest priority or 5 is the highest, providing that all platform Administrators are aware of this and your Task priorities are consistent.

Course Label

This is where you can either list of the courses that this Task applies to.

Course Template or Workflow

This is where you define if the task should be attached to a Course template, or triggered by a workflow.

Course Templates & Dates

Class and Web Course Templates

Course Templates are your course catalogue. Within this sheet you need to identify each course that you offer and its typical information – such as its typical cost, duration, and minimum and maximum available places.

Course Templates are basically the ‘blueprint’ of your courses. Each time you schedule a course, you will select a Template to save you filling in the same information repeatedly. Therefore, if you run some of your courses as open, publicly bookable courses, and also as private in-customer courses both with different costs or different duration's or requirements, you can list these courses twice – one for each version. This will save you time when scheduling your courses. If you decide to list the same course more than once within this sheet, you must provide a Course ID to identify it as the course label will no longer be unique. You then must include this Course ID in the next sheet (Courses) so that the platform knows which Course Template to use.

Class and Web Course Templates

Field Name




Training ProviderMandatory 

If you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However, if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider offering the course here

 Training Prover Inc.
Training Provider IDMandatoryThis field will be completed by accessplanit ahead of the buildTRAINIBVKH

Course Template ID


You can provide your own course code here, or you can allow the platform to generate one. Do not include any special characters or spaces within a Course ID. This value can be no more than 10 characters


Course LabelMandatory Insert the name of the courseFirst Aid at Work 
Course TypeMandatory classroom, web and eLearning courses are available in the platform. For each course name and ID specified, insert which course type the course is Class 
Course Category Optional Insert the name of the Category this course belongs toHealth and Safety 
DurationMandatory Insert how long the course will run for - take into consideration here the Duration Type (Day/Hour/Minutes) and add the duration accordingly3 (Days*) 
Duration TypeMandatory

This is the duration type, please enter one of the following:

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

Please note that ‘days’, ‘hours’ or ‘minutes’ will not validate.

3 Days or 3 Hours



This is the cost of the course


Cost Type


Insert how the course will be charged - per Delegate, Day, Delegate Day, Session or Hour


Currency CodeOptional Insert the currency the course will be charged in GBP 
Sessional / Multipart CourseMandatoryMark the course as Sessional or Non-sessionalN
Sessional Course CostMandatory if sessionalThe cost for the head session and sessions should be specified here1000
Sessional Course LayoutMandatory if sessionalThis is a free text field for you to provide some further information to support the session plan1 session per week for 3 weeks
Sessional Cost TypeMandatory if sessionalMust be: Course cost plus sessions, Course cost plus optional sessions, Course cost or Sum of sessions." Sum of sessions
Min SessionsMandatory if sessionalThis is the minimum number of sessions a delegate needs to/can attend1
Max SessionsMandatory if sessionalThis is the maximum number of sessions a delegate needs to/can attend3
Tax ExemptOptionalMark the course as Tax exempty
Currency CodeOptionalDefine the currency codeGBP
External System Reference Code Optional This field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRMMH12DFG
Pre-Requisite Course(s)OptionalList here any courses that a user must have completed before booking this courseIntroduction to Manual Handling
AdvertiseMandatoryThis field should be Y or N to state if the course should be advertised ready for bookingsY
CPD PointsOptionalNumber of training points awarded (if applicable)12
Waiting List Enabled?MandatoryWaiting lists allow your customers to book onto fully booked courses and be added to a waiting list in case a place frees up.Yes
Maximum PlacesMandatoryMaximum number of places available on the course5
Minimum PlacesMandatoryMinimum number of places available on the course1
Internal/External/Both OptionalMark this course as an internal course, a course available to the public (External) or bothBoth
Min SessionsMandatory if sessionalDefine the minimum number of individual sessions/parts of the Sessional/Multipart course a delegate must attend
Max SessionsMandatory if sessionalDefine the maximum number of individual sessions/parts of the Sessional/Multipart course a delegate must attend3
Aims OptionalThe aims of the course. This will be available to delegates booking the course and can be included in automated communicationsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
ObjectivesOptionalThe objectives of the course. This will be available to delegates booking the course and can be included in automated communicationsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Summary OptionalA summary of the course. This will be available to delegates booking the course and can be included in automated communications

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Joining Instructions Text OptionalInclude any specific information for the delegate regarding the dayLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required. 

Course Dates - Non Sessional

The course dates sheet is used for providing a list of your scheduled and historic non sessional course dates.

Field Name




Training ProviderMandatoryIf you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However, if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider offering the course hereTraining Provider Inc

Course Template ID

Mandatory if entered in course templates

If you provide a Course ID in the Course Templates sheet you can include it here to link your course to the Template


Course Name


If you do not include the Course ID you must include the course label. This must be an exact match the label of the course provided in the Course Templates sheet

Manual Handling

Course Date ID Mandatory if supplying delegatesThe unique reference for the course date. This needs to be completed if you are supplying a list of class course delegates.20158

Alternative Course Name


This is an alternative name for the course which will override the course label in the Shopping Basket and in your Course Calendar. Typically this used for customer-specific courses

Manual Handling for Northern Rail

Start Date


This is the date and time that the course starts. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be scheduled for 00:00

19/08/2018 09:30

End Date


This is the date and time that the course ends. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be at at 00:00

19/08/2018 16:30



This is the current status of the course. Typically all courses are Available which means that they are in the future and not yet fully booked. Options available are Available, InProgress, Completed, Cancelled, FullyBooked, Provisional




This is the cost of the course. If the cost is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this field in




This is the cost type. Please enter one of the following:

  • Candidate
  • Day
  • Session
  • Hour
  • Candidate Day

If this is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this in




Leave blank for GBP




This is the duration of the course .If the cost is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this field in




This is the duration type, please enter one of the following

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

Please note that ‘days’, ‘hours’ or ‘minutes’ will not validate. If this is the same as the course template you do not need to fill this in


Minimum Places Available


Minimum number of places available on the course. 


Maximum Places AvailableOptionalMaximum number of places available on the course. 12



This is the name of the Trainer who is running the course. The value you supply here must be an exact match to a name of a Trainer in the Trainers sheet (see the Resources spreadsheet). If you have more than one Trainer running a course, please comma separate them in this field.

Jane L Smith



This is the name of the Venue which is hosting the course. The value you supply here must be an exact match to a name of a Venue in the Venues sheet (see the Resources spreadsheet).

Northern Rail Headquarters, York

Exclusive for


If your course is exclusive to a certain customer, you can define this here. Provide the Account ID or the Account Group ID.


Exclusivity Type


If your course is exclusive to a certain customer, this is where you will state if the ID provided in the previous field is an Account ID or an Account Group ID. Please enter one of the following:

  • Account
  • Account Group


External System ReferenceOptional This field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRMHSGs12F

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required. 

Sessional Template Details

Multipart or sessional courses are courses made up of multiple parts. Here you can define which sessions/parts make up the course.

For more information on sessional courses, please follow this link

Field NameRequired?DescriptionExample
Training ProviderMandatoryIf you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However, if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider offering the course hereTraining Prover Inc.
Parent Course IDOne of these must be provided

You can provide your own parent course code here, or you can allow the platform to generate one. Do not include any special characters or spaces within a Course ID. This value can be no more than 10 characters

Parent Course LabelInsert the name of the parent courseFirst Aid At Work
Session Course IDOne of these must be provided
You can provide your own child course code here, or you can allow the platform to generate one. Do not include any special characters or spaces within a Course ID. This value can be no more than 10 charactersFAWA1
Session Course Label Insert the name of the child courseFirst Aid At Work - Day 1
Session Course TypeMandatory

Define the course type. Must be: Class, Web, Elearning or Document


DurationMandatoryThis is the duration of the child session.If this is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this field in1
Duration TypeMandatory

This is the duration type, please enter one of the following

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

Please note that ‘days’, ‘hours’ or ‘minutes’ will not validate. If this is the same as the course template you do not need to fill this in

Tax ExemptOptionalDefine if the course is Tax ExemptY
Currency CodeOptionalDefine the currency code for the courseGBP
External reference codeOptionalThis field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRMPWK-123
AdvertiseMandatoryThis field should be Y or N to state if the course should be advertised ready for bookingsY
CPD PointsOptionalNumber of training points awarded (if applicable)12
Waiting List EnabledOptionalDefine if the waiting list booking are are available for the course.Y
Min Places MandatoryMinimum number of places available on the course1
Max Places MandatoryMaximum number of places available on the course15
Internal / External / BothMandatoryMust be Internal External or BothBoth
Start Time  Mandatory

This is the date and time that the child course starts. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be scheduled for 00:00

19/08/2018 09:30

End Time  Mandatory

This is the date and time that the child course ends. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be at at 00:00

19/08/2018 16:30

Offset  MandatoryEnter how many days, weeks, months or years this child sessions should start after the start date for the parent course2
Offset Type MandatoryDefine the offset type as days, weeks, months or years Days
Mandatory  Mandatory If this session should be mandatory when making a booking, enter Yes, otherwise enter NoYes

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. Please also contact your Implementation Manager or the Project Manager for further information regarding custom fields on Datasheets if required. 

Course Dates - Sessional

The course dates sheet is used for providing a list of your scheduled and historic Sessional course dates.

Field Name




Training ProviderMandatoryIf you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However, if your platformwill have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider offering the course hereTraining Provider Inc


Mandatory if entered in course templates

If you provide a Course ID in the Course Templates sheet you can include it here to link your course to the Template


Course Name


If you do not include the Course ID you must include the course label. This must be an exact match the label of the course provided in the Course Templates sheet

Manual Handling

Course Date ID Mandatory if supplying delegatesThe unique reference for the course date. This needs to be completed if you are supplying a list of class course delegates.20158

Alternative Course Name


This is an alternative name for the course which will override the course label in the Shopping Basket and in your Course Calendar. Typically this used for customer-specific courses

Manual Handling for Northern Rail

Start Date


This is the date and time that the course starts. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be scheduled for 00:00

19/08/2018 09:30

End Date


This is the date and time that the course ends. The format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, if you do not include a start time your course will be at at 00:00

19/08/2018 16:30



This is the current status of the course. Typically all courses are Available which means that they are in the future and not yet fully booked. Options available are Available, InProgress, Completed, Cancelled, FullyBooked, Provisional




This is the cost of the course. If the cost is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this field in


Cost Type


This is the cost type. Please enter one of the following:

  • Candidate
  • Day
  • Session
  • Hour
  • Candidate Day

If this is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this in


Currency Code


Leave blank for GBP




This is the duration of the course .If the cost is the same as the Course Template you do not need to fill this field in


Duration Type


This is the duration type, please enter one of the following

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

Please note that ‘days’, ‘hours’ or ‘minutes’ will not validate. If this is the same as the course template you do not need to fill this in


Minimum Places Available


Minimum number of places available on the course. 


Maximum Places AvailableOptionalMaximum number of places available on the course. 12



This is the name of the Trainer who is running the course. The value you supply here must be an exact match to a name of a Trainer in the Trainers sheet (see the Resources spreadsheet). If you have more than one Trainer running a course, please comma separate them in this field.

Jane L Smith



This is the name of the Venue which is hosting the course. The value you supply here must be an exact match to a name of a Venue in the Venues sheet (see the Resources spreadsheet).

Northern Rail Headquarters, York

Exclusive for


If your course is exclusive to a certain customer, you can define this here. Provide the Account ID or the Account Group ID.


Exclusivity Type


If your course is exclusive to a certain customer, this is where you will state if the ID provided in the previous field is an Account ID or an Account Group ID. Please enter one of the following:

  • Account
  • Account Group


External System ReferenceOptional This field is used as an External Identifier, usually to link to another platform such as a finance platform or a CRMHSGs12F

Finance Settings

The finance settings page is where you define your invoicing and payment method options for your customers.

If you will not be taking payments, generating Invoices, or managing any course costs through the platform you can ignore this part of the build.

Basic Details

Basic details include:

  1. Your purchase tax label. This is defaulted to VAT.
  2. Your tax rate. This is defaulted to 20%.
  3. Your Invoice Standard Term Days and your Invoice Term Type. These two combined determine the Invoice due date for the Invoices generated in your platform.
  4. When your Invoices are generated. Invoices can either be generated automatically following a booking, or manually by an Administrator.

Payment Methods

This is where you will indicate which payment methods you would like to have enabled on your platform within your Shopping Basket.

Against each option, mark a Y or a N to state whether the method should be enabled, then state which users this method should be available to.

Typically, the selected Payment Gateway (i.e. Opayo (formally SagePay)) is available to all Users so that everyone can book and pay online for their courses.

The Invoice option tends to be available to select Users only (including Administrators), and specific Accounts, or to Customer Manager Users only (the key contacts from your customers).

Cash, Card, BACS, Cheque (if enabled) should only be available to Administrators. These options are used by Administrators to indicate that payment has been received by this method.

If you would like to issue Vouchers to your customers, you will also need to enable the Voucher payment method to allow your customers with Vouchers to spend them.

Invoice Footer

The Invoice footer is the text which is displayed under the content of the Invoice. This typically includes BACS payment details. You do not need to provide Invoice footer. content.


Resources in the platform are the equipment, Venues, Trainers, and catering that you require for the courses that you run. Resources are assigned to your scheduled courses allowing you to keep track of their diaries and availability. Resources can also have a monetary value assigned to them so that you can report on how much you are spending on your Resources and monitor your course profitability figures.

Resource Types

Resource Types are used to categorise your Resources. These are important as they are used to define what each course needs to run. 

There are four standard resource types configured in your platform; in-house trainer, external trainer, in-house venue, and external venue.

Field Name




Resource Type CategoryMandatoryEnter the Resource Type categoryEquipment

Resource Type


Enter the name of the Resource Type



This sheet is where you will list each Trainer that runs your courses.

Field Name






The type of Trainer. This must match the label of a Resource Type from the Resource Types sheet

In-House Trainer

Label (must be unique)


This is typically the Trainer’s full name. This field is what Administrators will see when they are selecting a Trainer to run a course, therefore each Trainer must have a unique label. If you have two Trainers with the same name, providing a middle initial here if a good way to differentiate them.

Jane L Smith



Trainer's first name




Trainer's last name




Trainer's email address


Training Provider


If you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider who manages this Trainer




This is where you can define how much it costs you to use this Trainer




This is where you define the cost type. Please enter one of the following:

  • Candidate
  • Day
  • Session
  • Hour
  • Candidate Day




Leave blank for GBP




This is where you define if the Trainer is currently an active Trainer with you (1 = Yes, 2 = No).




This will nearly always be ‘1’ for Trainers, however if you have listed a company name instead of a person’s name in the Trainer label you can state here how many Trainers from their company you work with




Enter the Trainer's web address


Mapped ID


The User ID of the Trainer, if known.

If your trainer is also listed in your Users sheet, you can enter their user ID here to prevent a duplicate being created


SharedMandatoryIf the resource can be shared across multiple training providers, please mark Yes or NoNo

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. 


This sheet is where you will list each venue that host your courses.

You can choose to list each room that you can use as a venue (e.g. Classroom 1), this is common with in-house Venues, alternatively you can list a building as a Venue (e.g.. The Ritz) and enter how many rooms you can use there at any given time within the ‘quantity’ field.

Field Name




Resource Type Name


The type of Venue, this must match the label of a resource type from the Resource Types sheet

External Venue



The Venue label

The Kings Hotel, Manchester

Training Provider 


If you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider who manages this Venue




First line of the Venue address

12 Kings Road



The Venue’s town




The Venue’s county

Greater Manchester



The Venue’s county

United Kingdom



The Venue’s postcode




The Venue’s phone number, please note there is a character limit of 20




This is where you can define how much it costs you to use this Venue


Cost Type


This is where you define the cost type. Please enter one of the following:

  • Candidate
  • Day
  • Session
  • Hour
  • Candidate Day




How many of this Venue (i.e. rooms) are available at one time




How many people can this Venue hold. If your Venue has multiple rooms (e.g. you have specified in the quantity 2 or more) please enter the capacity of the biggest room




This is where you can provide a description about the Venue. It is common to include directions and parking information here

This venue is a 10-minute walk away from Piccadilly Train Station, for more information please see www.khma n.com

Mappedid Type 


This is always 10


SharedMandatoryIf the resource can be shared across multiple training providers, please mark Yes or NoN
Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. 

Other Resources

This sheet covers all of the other Resources that you use on your courses, including specialist equipment, course materials, and catering options.

With equipment you can list each item that you have available, which allows you to manage which specific laptop/projector etc. is being used at any given time. If this piece of equipment becomes damaged you’ll be able to see where it was last used. Alternatively, you can have just one resource labelled ‘Laptop’ and then you can state how many laptops you have available at any given time within the ‘quantity’ field.

Field Name




Resource Type


The Resource Type




The name of the Resource

HP Envy #1

Training Provider 


If you only have one Training Provider in the platform this should be "TRAINIBVKH". However if your platform will have multiple Providers please state the name of the Training Provider who owns this Resource




This is where you can define how much it costs you to use this Resource




This is where you define the cost type. Please enter one of the following:

  • Candidate
  • Day
  • Session
  • Hour
  • Candidate Day




Leave blank for GBP




This is where you define if the resource is currently active (1 = Yes, 2 = No)




How many of this Resource you have available at any given time. If you have listed a specific piece of equipment you should state ‘1’




Enter the Resource's web address if applicable

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. 

Trainer Holidays/Unavailability

You are able to define periods of time where your Trainers are not available to train, such as if they are going on holiday or completing jury service. If you have any Trainer holidays or known unavailabilities to store for your implementation, please complete this sheet.

Field Name




Trainer Label


The Trainer's name. This must be an exact match to the label provided in the Trainers sheet

Jane L Smith

Start Date & Time


Start date of the unavailability. The format of this must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

21/09/2018 09:00

End Date & Time


End date of the unavailability. The format of this must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

01/10/2017 18:00



This is where you will select the type of unavailability. Please enter one of the following:

  • Unknown

  • External Meeting

  • Internal Meeting  

  • Holiday 

  • Absence

  • Preparation

  • On the job training

  • Course Development

  • Course Preparation

  • eLearning development

  • Personal appointment

  • Travel 




This is a free text box where you can add further information about the unavailability

Cape Verde trip

Please note - the above fields are the most commonly imported fields only. Further information regarding the additional fields can be found in the Datasheets, alternatively, please raise any questions with the Project Manager or the Implementation Manager for the project. 

An additional sheet is also included in the Resources file for Venue unavailability which follows the same format as trainer unavailability.

Trainers Association to Courses

By default, each Trainer that is created in your platform will be able to run any of your course. This allows an Administrator to select them as the Trainer during the course scheduling process. If you would like to limit your Trainers to only be able to selected for the courses that they are qualified to run, you can define this in this sheet.

Please note that once you have associated a Trainer to at least one course, they will not be available to train the other courses in your platform. However, you are able to add courses into a Trainer’s repertoire as they become more qualified to allow them to train these courses too.

Please include a line per Trainer and course that they can run. For example if a Trainer should be associated with 5 courses, there will be 5 rows in this sheet for them.

Field Name




Trainer Label


The Trainer's name, this must be an exact match to the label provided in the Trainers sheet

Jane L Smith

Course Template ID

One of these must be provided

The Course ID of the course that this Trainer is able to run


Course Label

The Course Label of the course that this Trai