Support online payments using Stripe

Support online payments using Stripe

Steps to integrate with Stripe

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Learn how to set up an integration with the payment gateway Stripe, to take payments through Stripe in your platform and in your Checkout Basket or Shopping Basket.

Taking payments online is now the standard, and with our Stripe integration, you can streamline your payment processes directly through our platform. Stripe is a powerful and secure payment gateway that allows you to accept payments from customers around the globe, whether they’re booking Courses, or purchasing Products & Services. By integrating Stripe, you gain access to real-time payment tracking, enhanced fraud protection, and a seamless checkout experience for your customers.

Follow this page to learn about accessplanit’s integration with Stripe, and how to set it up.

About Stripe

Stripe is an online payment platform that enables businesses to accept payments securely and efficiently.

Our integration with Stripe uses a Stripe component embedded into the payment step of both the Shopping Basket and the Checkout Basket, this means that although it appears as though this is a ‘remote’ integration, all card details are captured and hosted by Stripe. This provides the security benefits of redirect and the user experience benefits of remote!
Read more about payment gateway integration types.


More information:

  • Stripe website: https://stripe.com/gb

  • New accounts can often be set up within a few hours, high-risk businesses may take longer (as of November 2024)

Integrating your Stripe account into your accessplanit platform

Integrating your Stripe Account with your accessplanit platform is quick and easy, you need to gather a few details from Stripe to allow payments to be taken in accessplanit. Follow these steps to create and gather your Stripe account details.

To integrate your accessplanit platform with Stripe, you will follow these steps:

  1. Create an account with Stripe (if you do not yet have one)

  2. Collect your Stripe information needed for the integration

  3. Add your Stripe information to your accessplanit platform



  1. Open Stripe’s website - https://stripe.com/

  2. Find the option to contact their Sales Team

  3. Complete their enquiry form

  4. The team will feedback to you and, if accepted, they will work with you to set up your account


Once you have created your Stripe account, you will need to collect two pieces of information from your account for your integration:

  1. Publishable Key

  2. Secret Key

You can access these keys from your Stripe account - https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys