Price Schemes

This page is for troubleshooting Price Schemes, the page is divided between using the Shopping Basket (also known as SB3) and the Checkout because Price Schemes have different behaviour depending how your platform is set up.

 Troubleshooting Price Schemes on Shopping Basket (SB3)

In order for a Price Scheme to apply, you need to have both the Account, Account Group or Job Role if both are specified in the scheme itself.

Having either the Account, Account Group or Job Role on their own would not work. 

Check the Course Date Price Schemes - is the cost you’re seeing in SB3 against any of these mappings? If so, check the eligibility of the Price Scheme against the user creating the basket (Accounts/Account Group/Job Roles against the user that is logged in who is creating the SB3 basket.).

If not, check the Course Template Price Schemes - is the cost you’re seeing in SB3 against any of these mappings? If so, check the eligibility of the Price Scheme against the user creating the basket (check the Accounts/Account Group/Job Roles against the user that is logged in who is creating the SB3 baskets).

If there is no Accounts/Account Group/Job Role selected for a Price Scheme, then by default this cost will apply to all bookings.

  1. The Price Scheme mappings against the Course Date - check the Accounts/Account Group/Job Roles against the user that is logged in who is creating the SB3 basket.

  2. The Price Scheme mappings against the Course Template - check the Accounts/Account Group/Job Roles against the user that is logged in who is creating the SB3 basket.

If there is no Accounts/Account Group/Job Role selected for a Price Scheme, then by default this cost will apply to all bookings.

Troubleshooting Price Schemes on Checkout