How To: Delegate Status Reasons


How to create a Delegate Status Reason

  1. Select Delegate Status Reasons from the Administration menu. You will be taken to the Manage Delegate Status Reasons DataGrid. For more information on DataGrids, click here. 

  2. Click Add to open a dialog box:

  3. Enter the name of your Delegate Status Reason into the Label field, and choose an Applicable Status. You can apply a Cost and a Cost Type here too, if you wish.

    Enable the Allow Free Text box will allow for additional detail to be provided upon status change.

  4. Click Save & Close to save your Delegate Status Reason.

How to delete a Delegate Status Reason

  1. Navigate to the Delegate Status Reason area within Administration.

  2. Right click the Delegate Status Reason you wish to delete, and select Delete from the context menu.

How to edit an existing Delegate Status Reason

  1. Navigate to the Delegate Status Reason area within Administration.

  2. Right click the Delegate Status Reason you wish to edit, and select Edit from the context menu.

How to Apply a Delegate Status Reason

Delegate Status Reasons are applied to delegates registered on a course date.

  1. Right click on the relevant Delegate in the Delegate Maintenance section of a Course and select Edit from the context menu. You will be taken to the Delegate Details page.

  2. Click Select under Status Details. This will bring up a list of Delegate Status Reasons relevant to the defined Status.

  3. Select the Delegate Status Reason using the tick box and select OK.

  4. If the Allow Free Text box is checked for the Delegate Status Reason, you will be able to provide additional information regarding the status change.

  5. After entering any extra information regarding the Delegate Status Reason, click Save to save your changes.


What are Delegate Status Reasons for?

To define specific reasons against a Delegate on a course date depending on their status. The most common use for Delegate Status Reasons is for cancellations so that an Administrator knows the reason that a Delegate was cancelled off a course date, but may also be used for a provisionally booked or a transferred Delegate.

Can a status reason be changed or removed?

Yes, they can be changed, removed, or added as many times as required.

What happens if a reason is assigned but then the status is changed to one that doesn't match its Applicable Status? 

The original reason remains until the 'x' is clicked to remove it. Adding any new reasons will only give you the correct corresponding reasons that match the status.