The latest release includes the feature updates listed below.

Handy help guide links now available in your system

Look out for the new blue question mark icons in your system. These links will take you directly to the help guide article relating to the current area.

If you think there should be an area of the system that should have built in help guide links, submit your idea here:

Reset DataGrid columns to the default

The DataGrids Settings panel that is accessed at the top right of each DataGrid by clicking this icon:  now has the option to restore the original (default) columns. Simply select Restore Default Columns. 

This can also be done by holding Ctrl + D on your keyboard. 

Portal mode menu button is now locked

When a user is in the Portal and click the navigation dots to show the menu, moving the mouse away from this menu used to make it disappear. This has now been locked meaning that iPad and tablet users can make much better use of the Learner Portal as the menu will remain open for use.


Now send an invoice as a PDF via Workflows

In the actions at the bottom of your Workflow email, you now have the option to select Attach Invoice as PDF. This will attach the related invoice as a PDF. 

Restrict a User's ability to create a course booking through the Shopping Basket

In making this change, a User can now be restricted from making a course booking. So, finding a shortcut or a link to the Shopping Basket will no longer allow a restricted User to make a booking. This is perfect if you only want to allow certain Users to make course bookings. 

Is Session Candidate column is now a sortable filter

Previously, the Is Session Candidate property was marked as non-filterable, because its only job was to calculate if the Parent User Course DateID was empty. This is no longer the case and the heading can be clicked to sort in ascending or descending order.