Document Templates are dynamic documents that can pull Course and Delegate information from your accessplanit platform into them!

Document Templates are commonly used for Delegate Certificates, Course Sign-in Sheets, Joining Instructions letters, and Trainer Information Documents.

They can also be used to quickly generate door signs, name badges for your Courses and Delegates for the week.

This page will give you an overview of Document Templates and the key areas of your platform that you will need to use. If you would like to read through a more detailed how-to guide for Document Templates please access How To: Document Templates

To find out what information from your accessplanit platform you can dynamically pull into your Document Templates when they are generated, please see our glossary Document Template Merge Fields and Glossary

Watch a video tutorial on Document Templates

Where to find Document Templates

Click on the Profile option at the top-right of your platform and select the Administration option

From the Administration menu, find and click the menu option ‘Document Templates’

Setting up a Document Template

If you have already created the document to upload to your platform as a Document Template, follow the below steps.

If you still need to create your document in Microsoft Word, please go to our how-to guide: How To: Document Templates

To start creating a Document Template, you'll need to fill in the following fields:

This is the Account that the Document Template is assigned to. Please note, you can only store Document Templates against Course Templates where this Account is assigned as the Training Provider.

This is the name of the Document Template. We recommend naming your Template something that is easily identifiable.

Note, do not include special characters in the file name of a Document Template, names should only be alphanumeric, if a file name contains a symbol, the template will break. if you are in any doubt at all, please contact the accessplanit support team.

Ticking this box will determine whether this Document Template can be selected and generated throughout the platform.

Keep original document type when emailed

Checking this box determines whether the Document will be sent as a PDF or in a Word document format when it is send to recipients over email. Please check this box if you would like your Document Template to be sent in a Word format.

Can Be Issued
Checking this box determines whether this Document Template can be issued manually to Delegates.

Upload File
Here, you can upload the Microsoft Word document file which will be your Document Template.

Applies to ID Type
This determines where the Document Template can be stored. Only Course can be selected here.

Details Used
This determines whether Document Template uses Trainer or Delegate details.

How do Document Templates work?

Document Templates use information stored on the platform to create a variety of documents that can be generated for both Trainers and Delegates. The easiest way to create a Document Template is within Microsoft Word. Merge Fields within Word can be used to pull though information specific to each Course, Delegate, and/or Trainer to create a unique document.

Document Templates can either be produced manually as and when you need them, or generated automatically and emailed to the people who need them. 

Here are a couple of example Document Templates (click to enlarge):

What Merge Fields are available in Document Templates?

Merge Fields can pull through a large variety of information from your platform. To access the Document Template Merge Field Glossary, click here.

Generating Document Templates

Document Templates can be be attached to a Workflow's Actions to be sent out to Delegates or Trainers automatically. To learn how to attach a Document Template to a Workflow, click here.

You can also generate Document Templates manually via a DataGrid. Once you've clicked the Generate Document option, a dialog box will open.

Here's a breakdown of the fields within this dialog box:

Document Template
From here, you can select the Document Template you wish to generate. Please note, only Document Templates that are assigned to the Training Provider of this course will be able to be generated.

Output Format
Here, you can choose which type of file the document generates as. You have the choice between a PDF or a Word Document.

Generation Type
This determines how your document is generated. There are three types of Generation Type available:

  • Generate & Download - This option automatically generates the document for the user/booking and downloads the document to your PC.

  • Issue to Delegate's Learner Portal - Puts a link to view the Certificate in the Delegate's learner portal, which can be viewed in the My Awards page.

  • Download Preview - Allows you to view the document without assigning the document to the user/booking. This is useful to check the document template is pulling the correct information.

Exclude Previous Recipients
 This option will exclude sending or re-issuing the document to any Delegates who have had the Document created or issued previously.