Learn how to generate Invoices for a range of customers in one go!

Whether you generate your customer Invoices for their Course bookings at the end of each day, the end of each week, or the end of each month; the Invoice Generator tool in your accessplanit platform can be used to generate Invoices for everything all at once.

This tool is a big time-saver as you do not need to search through your platform to find Delegates that need to be Invoiced, or Purchases that have not yet been Invoiced!

Additionally, if your customers prefer, you can also decide whether you would like the Invoice Generator to create one Invoice containing everything the customers needs to be invoiced, or split their Invoices based on the Courses that they have booked.

Finance - Generate Invoice Tab

Follow this page to learn how to generate Invoices in bulk.

(blue star) Generate Invoices

This step will run through the process of generating multiple Invoices at once, using your Invoice Generator.

  1. Open the Finance > Generate Invoices page from the main menu

    Finance - Generate Invoices Tab

  2. This will open your main Invoice Generator

    Invoice Generator

  3. Start by selecting the Training Provider that you would like to generate the Invoices for
    Please note, you can only generate Invoices for one Training Provider at a time, so you will need to run through the Invoice Generator again to generate Invoices for another provider

    Courses - Training Provider

  4. Select the Date Range Type of bookings or courses that you would like generate Invoices for

    Date Range Type
    1. Use Booking Date - this option will mean that your date range will apply to the date that your customers made their bookings, for example to generate Invoices for everything that was booked this week

    2. Use Course Start Date - this option will mean that your date range will apply to the start date of your Courses, for example to generate Invoices for all Courses that started this week

    3. Use Course End Date - this option will mean that your date range will apply to the end date of your Courses, for example to generate Invoices for all Courses that ended this week

  5. Select the Start Date and End Date to define for your date range

    Start and End Date

  6. Your Invoice Generator will always generate Invoices for Delegates, if you would also like to generate Invoices for Placeholders, Product Purchases, or Course Fees please check these boxes in the ‘Also generate Invoices for’

    Items to Invoice - Generate Invoices for
    1. Placeholders - Placeholders that meet the date range criteria will also be Invoiced (they were booked within the specified date range, or their course date is in the specified date range)

    2. Fees - Fees on Courses that are rechargeable back to the customer will also be Invoiced, please note that the customer must have a Delegate or a Placeholder booking on a Course to be the recipient of a Course’s Fee, this relates to Course Fees not Cancellation or Transfer Fees

    3. Purchases - Purchases that were made during the Booking Date range will also be Invoiced

  7. Select whether you are generating Invoices that target Accounts, or Users
    Please note, you can only generate Invoices for one target type at a time, so you will need to run through the Invoice Generator again to generate Invoices for another target type

    Generate Invoices for Target Type

  8. Select how you would like to group your items together on your Invoices

    Group Invoices by - Booking
    1. Booking - an Invoice will be generated for each unique booking per customer

    2. Course - an Invoice will be generated for each Course a customer has booked

    3. Course Template - an Invoice will be generated for each Course Template a customer has booked

    4. Invoice Target - an Invoice will be generated per customer

      For example, if a customer had made 4 bookings over the last month, 2 of these bookings are on 2 different First Aid Courses, and 2 of the bookings were both on the same Safety at Heights Course.
      Grouping these by 'Booking' would lead to 4 Invoices
      Grouping these by Course would lead to 3 Invoices
      Grouping these by Course Template would lead to 2 Invoices
      Grouping these by Invoice Target would lead to 1 Invoice

  9. By default, the Invoice Generator will create new Invoices if your customer has provided multiple PO Numbers to you - an Invoice will be generated per PO Number. If you would like the Invoice Generator to ignore this, and group items from different PO Numbers together on one Invoice please uncheck the ‘Split Invoices by PO Number’ box

    Split Invoices by PO Number

  10. If you would like to define a Due Date to be applied to each Invoice generated, enter this into the Due Date option
    If you leave this option empty, your invoice terms dates will determine the Invoices' due dates

    Due Date

  11. Finally, review the Delegate Statuses that you would like to include
    For example, if you do not wish to generate Invoices for Delegates that did not attend their Course, you can uncheck the ‘No Attend’ option to exclude them

    Candidate Status

    Please note, Delegates with a status of ‘Waiting List’ will not be charged for their place on the Course

  12. Click the ‘Generate’ button at the top-right of your Invoice Generator to complete the process

    Generate button

  13. A pop-up message will appear to let you know how many items have met your criteria for Invoicing
    Please note, this is not the number of Invoices that will be generated

    Confirm Text box

  14. Click the ‘Yes’ button to generate the Invoices

  15. You will then see a confirmation pop-up, click ‘OK’ to close this

    Successfully saved

  16. You will have now generated temporary Invoices that are ready to be reviewed and committed.

(blue star) Check and commit your Invoices

These steps will run through the process to check the Invoices that your Invoice Generator created, and committing them so that they can be issued to your customers

To check and commit your Invoices, you will follow these steps:

  1. Filter your Invoices DataGrid to see only temporary Invoices

  2. Check your Invoices

  3. Edit your Invoices (only if required)

  4. Commit your Invoices

Filter your Invoices DataGrid to see only temporary Invoices

This step will take you to the Invoices DataGrid where you will apply filters to view only Invoices that are temporary

  1. Open the Finance > Invoices DataGrid from the main menu

    Finance - Invoice tab

  2. Unapply any Filters that are applied at the top of your Invoices DataGrid by clicking on them, or by using the ‘Unapply’ button

    Invoices DataGrid

  3. If you already have a filter to only view Temporary Invoices, click on that filter to apply it to your DataGrid
    If you do not yet have a filter in your Invoices DataGrid to only view Temporary Invoices, click on the ‘Filters’ drop-down button to the right of the filters bar

    Filter button

    1. Click on the ‘+ Create New’ option

      Create New Filter

    2. Create your new filter using the following settings:
      Status -- Is In -- Temporary

      Filter settings

    3. Click the ‘Preview’ button to check that your filter works as you expect!

    4. If you would like to save your filter for future use, provide your filter with a name and click on the 'Save' button

      Filter name and save

    5. Your DataGrid should now only show temporary Invoices, and you will have a new filter in your filter bar which you can toggle on/off by clicking on it

      Invoices DataGrid

Check your Invoices

This step will show you how to view your Invoices to check their contents

  1. Per Invoice, right-click on it to view the context menu options for this Invoice

    Invoice DataGrid with Menu


  2. Click on the ‘View’ context menu option

    View menu option


  3. This will take you to a view of the Invoice

    Invoice view


  4. Confirm the contents

  5. If there are any issues with the Invoice, you can make adjustments to it before it is committed

Edit your Invoices

This is an optional step which will walk you through how you can correct any Invoices that are incorrect, before they are committed

  1. If you need to correct the Invoice Date, the Invoice Due Date, or the value of the Invoice Items on an Invoice, right-click on the Invoice from the Invoices DataGrid to view the context menu options for this Invoice

    Invoices DataGrid with menu


  2. Click on the ‘Edit’ context menu option

    edit menu option


  3. This will take you to the Invoice editor

    Invoice editor

  4. Update the Invoice Date and Due Date at the top-right of the Invoice

    Due date within invoice

  5. Update the values of Invoice Items
    Please note - we do not recommend adding additional items onto your Invoice as this can cause issues with reporting at a later stage

    Invoice items

  6. Click the ‘Save’ button to complete your changes to this temporary Invoice

    Save button

Commit your Invoices

This step will walk you through the process of committing your Invoices, once your Invoices have been committed this typically triggers Workflow emails to the customers to share the details of the Invoices with them.

  1. Select each of the Invoices that you would like to commit by checking the checkbox on their row in your Invoices DataGrid
    Please note, you can select all by checking the checkbox that sits in the column headings at the top of the DataGrid

    Invoices DataGrid - Items selected

  2. Click on the arrow button besides the select-all checkbox at the top left of the DataGrid to view the available bulk options

    Arrow button in top right menu

  3. Click on the ‘Commit’ bulk option

    Commit option within menu

  4. You will be presented with a confirmation pop-up, click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm

    Confirmation text box

  5. Your selected Invoices will now no longer be included in your Invoices DataGrid view as they are no longer temporary

  6. Click on your temporary / not committed DataGrid Filter to unapply it

    Filter applied - select to unapply

  7. You should now be able to find your newly committed Invoices within your Invoices DataGrid, they will have an assigned Invoice Reference and their status will no longer be temporary

    Invoices DataGrid

  8. If you cannot see your Invoices, try sorting your Invoices DataGrid based on Date Generated descending

    Additional column pop out box