This page outlines common issues that you may encounter when building and triggering your Workflows, and how to resolve them!

Why isn't my Workflow working?

Click here to view a flowchart to help you diagnose this problem.

How do I delete a Workflow?

Only accessplanit has the ability to delete Workflows from accessplanit. If you are sure you would like a Workflow permanently deleted, then please contact the Helpdesk Team via the Support Portal.

Why can't I access certain fields in the Workflow action?

The quick links available in an action for a Workflow are linked to modules. Therefore, if the Workflow is using the User Course Date module, the only data fields that you are able to pull through data for will be attached to a Delegate record (User ID, course start date, etc.). You may also be able to pull through fields from neighbouring modules, by using the format:


If you would like more options available to you for a certain module you are using, you can raise a Product Suggestion via the Product Suggestion Portal.

Why did my Workflow trigger for past events?

If a Workflow instance was created earlier in the year, (this can be seen in the date created section of the Workflow itself) and the Workflow passed its execution rules, it will send.

A delegate can be added onto a course, in the past, that meets Workflow rule that isn’t yet turned on, once the workflow is turned on, and the delegate is updated, the rules of the Workflow will be met and the workflow would trigger much later than may be expected.

For example, if a Workflow was created and set to active on 21/05/2019 and not back filled, a delegate can be added can have been added and marked as completed, in some cases, more than a year before the date the Workflow was set to active.

See the link here for a flowchart that explains planning and building your workflows: Planning & Building your Workflows