This section is for common issues that you may encounter regarding Report Writer on accessplanit.

Why are there results missing from my Report?

This is most likely due to a filter that has been placed on the Report, preventing the record from being included in the results.

This could also be caused by one joins in the Data Sources section of the Report. Any field that is part of a join must have values in accessplanit.

So, for example, in the below scenario:

For a course date to be displayed in the results, it must have a Venue attached to it. If the course date has no Venue, then this join cannot be done.

However, if you want results to be displayed even if this field is empty, then you should check the Allow nulls tick box at the top of this page.

Example scenario

Example 1:

If non-renewable certificates are showing on your report, you need to add a new filter in for [Expires > Isn’t Blank].

This will exclude the non-renewing awards from the report. You can find the Expires filter in the UserAwards data source.

Why is the terminology different in Report Writer to the rest of accessplanit?

This is because the platform's database currently still uses the old Legacy terms.

Here are a few examples of differences:

Candidate - Delegate
Company - Account
User Type - Job Role

If you can't find the field you are looking for, please can contact the Support Team via the Support Portal.

Why can't I delete a Report?

This is a platform-specific setting that needs to be enabled on your site. If you do not currently have the ability to delete a Report, then please can contact the Support Team via the Support Portal.

How do I schedule reports?

This is actioned through the MISC tab, when you are in Edit Report mode. You can set the time and first date that you want the Report sent, you can then set the "Repeat Type" to every day, every week or month. The recipients box is where you enter the email address you would like the Report sent to.

Why can't a User see/edit a Report I have made?

Each report that is made can have permissions set specifically for just that Report, and this can be found in the MISC tab.

Why can't I see all results on my filter?

Report Writer limits the number of results on the drop-down menu when filtering to 500. If the results you need aren't showing, speak to the Infrastructure team to increase this limit. Please note: Increasing the limit may cause performance issues. 

How do I add a Custom Field into a report?

The correct data sources to use for the different types of custom fields are below:

  • User fields - users

  • Course Date fields - coursescalendar

  • Course Template fields - coursescompanies

  • Delegate fields - userscoursescalendar

  • Invoice fields - invoices

  • Opportunities - opportunities

What's the difference between an AP view data source & a non AP view data source?

Any ap view in Report Writer is a view not a database table, and what this means is that the view uses database values but filters it to only show certain things and changes constant values to words.

For ap_invoices_view, this view is filtered to only show invoices with the prefix ‘INV’ which is the accessplanit default prefix - this issue comes up a lot for customers who have custom prefixes, they need to use the database tables (invoices) and not filtered views (ap_invoices_view).