Award ID,User ID,Course Cal ID,Passed,Expires,Status "This is the ID of the award that you want to add to the user, which can be found in the Administration > Awards area",This is the ID of the user that you want to assigned the award to,"This will be the Course Date ID for the course you're wanting to attach this Award to. This would be the ID found in the Course Maintenance - Attributes tab of a Class Course, or the Course ID column found within the Elearning-Delegates SmartGrid.",This is the date the User completed their Award. This needs to take the format dd/MM/yyyy.,This is the expiry date of the User's Award . This needs to take the format dd/MM/yyyy.,"This is the status of the User Award you want to import. This should be a constant value, and options are as follows:" ,,,,,"0: Completed 1: In Progress 2: Target 3: On Hold"