TrainingProviderID (Mandatory),CourseID (Mandatory),MappedlCourseID (Mandatory),Start Time (Mandatory),End Time (Mandatory),OffsetType (Mandatory),Offset (Mandatory),Duration (Mandatory),Mandatory (Mandatory),MinPlaces (Optional),MaxPlaces (Optional),MappedIDType (Mandatory) This is the ID for the Training Provider delivering the course,This needs to be the Course Template ID for the head session. This is a key field.,This is the Course Template ID for the head session's sub session. This needs to be a key field.,This is the course start date. Please note that the dd/mm/yyyy must be 01/01/1900 and this cannot be changed (this will not show on the system). The time needs to be in a 24 hour format.,This is the course ends date. Please note that the dd/mm/yyyy must be 01/01/1900 and this cannot be changed (this will not show on the system). The time needs to be in a 24 hour format.,This is how far apart each session is. This must be a number,"This field denotes how far a part sessions are. This needs to be Days, Weeks, Months or Years",This illustartes the length of a session. It must be a number,"This field designates whether a subsession is mandatory or not. This must be populates with either a Y for yes, or N for no",This integer notes the minimum number of places for the session plan item,This integer notes the maximum number of places for the session plan item,This is a constant and must always be 8 TRAIN8467,ASESSIuX6e,SESHON6nxZ,01/01/1900 09:00,01/09/1900 17:00,Days,0,1,Y,10,20,8 ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,