CourseID (mandatory),"CourseCalID (optional, unless updating courses)",ExternalID (optional),CourseName (mandatory),Override Alias (optional),"CompanyID (optional, unless you have multiple training providers)",DeliveryMethodID (optional),CCLevel (mandatory),StartDate (mandatory),EndDate (mandatory),DurationType (optional),Duration (optional),AdvertiseStartDate (optional),AdvertiseEndDate (optional),VenueID (optional),VenueLabel (optional),TrainerLabel (optional),Status (mandatory),Places (optional),MinimumPlaces (optional),MaximumUsersFromSameCompany (optional),CurrencyCode (optional),CostType (optional),Cost (optional),Private (defunct),Waiting List (optional),Sessional (mandatory if performing an import containing sessional courses),SessionalCostType (mandatory; for sessional courses only),,,,, "Enter the Course Template ID here. This needs to be a key column, unless you use External IDs","Here, you can enter the course calendar ID of the course you're wishing to import. This is found at the course date level, under attributes. This is only necessary if you're wanting to update an existing course, and needs to be a key column if you're doing so","If you use another system, you can put your external reference in here. If you use external IDs, you can have this field as your only key column. This will be necessary if you have a course template with two or more courses running at the same day and time.",Input the name of your course template here,"If your course has an override alias, put it into this field",This is the Account ID that corresponds to the Training Provider,"Here, you can input the delivery method of the course if necessary. The format these need to take are as follows: In-House = 1, Public = 2",This is an old Legacy setting that relates to advertising of courses. The value in this field always needs to be 4.,"Enter the start date of the course into this field. It needs to take the format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. This needs to be a key column, unless you use External IDs","Enter the end date of the course into this field. It needs to take the format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. This needs to be a key column, unless you use External IDs","In this field, enter the type of duration you want the course to have: You can chose from Day, Hour, or Minute. You only need to include this field if you want to overide the duration at the template level ","In this field, enter the duration amount. This will work in conjunction with the DurationType to calculate how long the course will be. You only need to include this field if you want to overide the duration at the template level",Enter the date you want this course to be advertised from. It needs to take the format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.,Enter the date you want this course to be advertised until. It needs to take the format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.,"Here, you can input the ID of the of the venue where you wish this course to take place. It MUST match an ID for a venue already on your system",Input the label of your venue here. It MUST match a venue already in your system,Input the label of your trainer. It MUST match a trainer already in your system,This is the status that the course is in. You can select from any of the available course date statuses. These must be formatted exactly as they appear in the system (with capitalised first letters),Use this column to designate the maximum number of places for a course,This column can be used to designate the minimum places for a course,"If you wish to limit the number of users within a single account that can book a place on this course, enter a numerical value into this field",Leave blank for GBP,"Here, enter the corresponding numeric value for the type of cost you want the course to have. Candidate =1, Session =2, Hour =4, Day =8, or CandidateDay =16. You only need to include this field if you want to overide the cost at the template level","In this field, enter the cost amount. This will work in conjunction with the CostType to calculate the cost of the course. You only need to include this field if you want to overide the cost at the template level",This is an old legacy import column which is no longer used,"If you wish the course to have the waiting list enabled, you'll need to enter a value into this column. Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0","If some of the courses you are importing are sessional, it is important that you include this column. Yes = Y, No= N","Here, you can designate the sessional cost type of your courses (if applicable). If your course is sessional, it MUST have a Sessional Cost Type assigned. You must use one of the corresponding constant values: Course cost plus sessions = 8, Course cost plus optional sessions = 4, Course cost = 2, Sum of sessions = 1",,,,, EXAMPLEBXZ,98765,12345,An Example Course Import,An Example Course Import (In House Only),UNIVERPV4Z,2,4,12/08/2019 09:00,15/08/2019 17:00,Day,3,02/07/2019 09:00,10/08/2019 23:00,123 ,A Training Room,Jane Doe,Available,30,15,10,,1,74.99,,0,N,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,