CourseID (mandatory),Label/CourseLabel (mandatory),CompanyName (mandatory),Type (mandatory),DurationType (mandatory),Duration (mandatory),CurrencyCode (mandatory),CostType (mandatory),Cost (mandatory),9997 (Sage Tax Code) (optional),9998 (Sage Department Code) (optional),9999 (Sage Nominal Code) (optional),Description (defunct),Overview (defunct),Summary (defunct),JoiningInstructionsText (optional),Category (optional),Places (mandatory; for class and web courses only),MinPlaces (optional; for class and web courses only),Advertise (recommended),WaitingList (optional; for class and web courses only),Level (mandatory),MinPassScore (optional),TrainingPoints (optional),TrainingPointsType (optional),UnitsRequired (defunct),CourseList (defunct),Coursework (defunct),"DefaultSessional (optional, unless import contains sessional courses)",DefaultSessionalCostType (mandatory; for sessional courses onlyl),DeliveryMethodID (optional),DeliveryMethodLabel (defunct),DocumentsActiveFrom (optional ; for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsExpiryDate (for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsLifeTime (for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsPackageID (recommended for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsPackageLabel (defunct),DocumentsQuickLabel (defunct),DocumentsQuickAccess (for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsSelfComplete (for Knowledge Document courses only),DocumentsStartDate (for Knowledge Document courses only),Elearning URL (recommended unless using a package; for Elearning courses only),ELearningActiveFrom (for Elearning courses only),ELearningLifeTime (for Elearning courses only),ELearningPackageID (recommended unless using a URL; for Elearning courses only),ELearningPackageLabel (defunct) ,ELearningStartDate (for Elearning courses only),Autocomplete (recommended for Elearning courses),SetToCompleteIfPassed (for Elearning courses only) This field needs to contain the template ID you wish to assign to the course template. This needs to be a key column ,Input the name of your course template here,You need to populate this field with the name of the Training Provider of this course,"Here, you need to specify what type of course this course is. You need to put the value for the course type: Class , Elearning , Document , or Web. These must be formatted exactly as they appear in the system (with capitalised first letters)","In this field, enter the type of duration you want the course to have: You can chose from Day, Hour, or Minute. ","In this field, enter the duration amount. This will work in conjunction with the DurationType to calculate how long the course will be. Set this column to IGNORE for the Course Company import",Leave blank for GBP. ,"Here, enter the corresponding value for the type of cost you want the course to have. Candidate =1, Session =2, Hour =4, Day =8, or CandidateDay =16. ","In this field, enter the cost amount. This will work in conjunction with the CostType to calculate the cost of the course.","If you have Sage Integration, you'll need to enter your Sage Tax Code for your template in here.","If you have Sage Integration, you'll need to enter your Sage Department Code for your template in here.","If you have Sage Integration, you'll need to enter your Sage Nominal Code for your template in here.",This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,"If you want to import your joining instriction text, you can enter this here. ","Here, enter the category name for the category you want the course to fall into. This MUST match a name of a category already within your system. ","Here, you can enter the maximum places for your course. ","Here, you can enter the minimum places for your course. ","If you would like your template to be set to advertise, enter a 1 into this column. Otherwise, leave it blank","If you wish the course to have the waiting list enabled, you'll need to enter a value into this column. Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0",This is an old Legacy setting that relates to advertising of courses. The value in this field always needs to be 4. ,"If your course has a minimum pass score, enter it into this column","If your course has training points associated, enter them below","Designate the type of training points this course provides. Use 1 for structured, or 2 for unstructured",This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,"If the course is sessional, enter a Y into this column. If it isn't a sessional course, enter an N","If your course is sessional, you MUST enter in the corresponding numerical value for the cost type: 1 = Sum of Sessions, 2 = Course Cost, 4 = Course Cost plus optional sessions, or 8 = Course Cost plus sessions","Here, you can input the delivery method of the course if necessary. The format these need to take are as follows: In-House = 1, Public = 2",This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,"If you wish to have a date that the delegates can access the Knowledge Document from, enter a date in here. It must be formatted dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm","If you want the delegate's access to be revoked after a set date, enter it into this field. It must be formatted dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm","If you want your document to only be accessible for a set number of days, enter a value into this field.",Enter the ID for the Knowledge Document package you wish to attach to this course.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system.,"If you want delegates to be able to access this Knowledge Document immediately after paying, add a 1into this column. If not, add an 0","If you want delegates to be able to self-complete the Knowledge Document after accessing it, enter a 1 into this column. If not, enter an 0","If you'd like the Knowledge Document to be openable from a certain period, enter the date into this field. It must be formatted dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm","If you want your Elearning to be delivered via a web link rather than a package, enter the URL here.","If you wish to have a date that the delegates can access the ELearning Course from, enter a date in here. It must be formatted dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm","If you want your document to only be accessible for a set number of days, enter a value into this field.","If you have a Elearning package that you wish to deliver the Elearning course, enter it's ID in here",This is an old legacy import field. It no longer serves a purpose within the system. ,"If you want delegates to only be able to begin an E-Learning course from a certain period, enter a date into this field. It must be formatted dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm","For ELearning courses, you will need to enter a value of 1 if you want the template to enable the autocomplete function",Enter a 1 or 0 into this field depending on whether you want the Elearning course to be set to complete if the Delegate passes the course EXAMPLEBXZ,An Example Template Import,A Company,Class,Day,3,,1,74.99,T2,7,4612,,,,This is how you get to the @@Venue,A Category,25,15,1,1,4,85,10,1,,,,N,,1,,13/07/2019 09:00,25/08/2019 17:00,20,PACK123,,,1,1,15/07/2019 12:00,,16/07/2019 09:00,45,PACK123,,17/07/2019 09:00,1,1